Biden and his siblings have stolen all of their lifes. Even when children. And, Will continue long after they are gone with their trained to steal children and grandchilren
Biden is just one more CATHOLIC TRAITOR.
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that has not overspent?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that is not corrupt?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “ C” nation that has honest elections?
Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful?
Have you ever heard of a “C’’ nation where the populace is educated?
Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS?
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and the borders will never be secured.
Well Biden did it again. He out did his stupidity on his speech last night and thankfully his legacy will go down as worse than Carter. Carter was a great humanitarian but Biden is corrupt snd senile while vicious
Biden has been constantly lying for his entire career. this lie is just one of the more obvious ones.
It is the way it is with democrat’s / leftists they lie about everything all of the time. They know they are lying. they just hope you don’t know. If you do know they hope you can’t prove its a lie.
Every time you hear a democrat / leftist say: ” what’s your source” they are really saying I hope you do not have proof I am lying.
Did Adam Schiff get a diploma from the DEMOCRATISCH SCHOOL OF LIARS with Professors Chuck, Nancy, Shumer and others. The DEMS are headed to the s-pile over at the Seaford, Delaware land-fill. A good and final resting place for them. Every single one of them should be in a non-kangaroo court facing life for the damage they and the Bribem’s have brought to this country.
Talk about trash. Trump made one idle threat, and everyone believes it carried the day, If Hamas was afraid of that threat, then they are dumber then the rest of you people who believe thats what did the trick.
Who made the original plan several months ago? Biden.
You also making a fuss about Biden releasing his son. Who wouldn’t do that if they could.( they are not parents)
Did anyony notice that trump went crying to the supreme court to get himself excused because a”president can do no wrong legally”. BS
biden and his gang of thieves screwed us all, and you dumb democrats and rhinos still support his LIES, joe was and is useless ALL his lying life, could NOT work a regular job, to dumb so he choice politics as career choice where term limits need to be put into place, just like the old hag nancy 84 out the door with her hunched over self with walker, and joe chose a dumber vp than him, and she is NOT black and NOT the first claiming black worm to run for president, there where numerous before her, read your history, and hillary also lost to trump
bidens just lye and steal that’s there legacy
Excuse me, who’s currently president, and whose diplomats have been working on this deal?
Was Trump trying to interfere? Probably. He certainly hasn’t said anything approving about what was worked out.
What are you people smoking?
What did we expect Biden/Harris stole the 2020 election so why wouldn’t Biden steal Trumps credit. Just be prepared that’s not the end of Biden thief. He is going to take credit moving forward in the Trump administration saying it was an expansion on what Biden did in his term.
This clown president Biden is completely delusional and shameless.
Enjoy retirement, you beat Carter as worst President in the history of our country.
Rot in hell Biden
Biden and his siblings have stolen all of their lifes. Even when children. And, Will continue long after they are gone with their trained to steal children and grandchilren
Biden is just one more CATHOLIC TRAITOR.
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that has not overspent?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that is not corrupt?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “ C” nation that has honest elections?
Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that is successful?
Have you ever heard of a “C’’ nation where the populace is educated?
Have you ever heard of a “C” nation that does not need to ‘export’ the illiterate ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS?
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and you vote for a traitor.
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC “C” and the borders will never be secured.
Biden and Pelosi are hide behind the cross convenient catholics who are in the same relm as the phony POPE
Well Biden did it again. He out did his stupidity on his speech last night and thankfully his legacy will go down as worse than Carter. Carter was a great humanitarian but Biden is corrupt snd senile while vicious
Bidumbs only Legacy is being one DUMB BRAIN DEAD WORTHLESS A-HOLE POS
Why people vote demonrat I have no idea they are the most useless party they do not care about Americans
Biden has been constantly lying for his entire career. this lie is just one of the more obvious ones.
It is the way it is with democrat’s / leftists they lie about everything all of the time. They know they are lying. they just hope you don’t know. If you do know they hope you can’t prove its a lie.
Every time you hear a democrat / leftist say: ” what’s your source” they are really saying I hope you do not have proof I am lying.
Did Adam Schiff get a diploma from the DEMOCRATISCH SCHOOL OF LIARS with Professors Chuck, Nancy, Shumer and others. The DEMS are headed to the s-pile over at the Seaford, Delaware land-fill. A good and final resting place for them. Every single one of them should be in a non-kangaroo court facing life for the damage they and the Bribem’s have brought to this country.
Good bye and bad riddens, stupid senile lying shitpants bastard.
Talk about trash. Trump made one idle threat, and everyone believes it carried the day, If Hamas was afraid of that threat, then they are dumber then the rest of you people who believe thats what did the trick.
Who made the original plan several months ago? Biden.
You also making a fuss about Biden releasing his son. Who wouldn’t do that if they could.( they are not parents)
Did anyony notice that trump went crying to the supreme court to get himself excused because a”president can do no wrong legally”. BS
I’m sure YOUR worthless son is just like Hunter, a pile of worthless shit. What cell block is your son in?
biden and his gang of thieves screwed us all, and you dumb democrats and rhinos still support his LIES, joe was and is useless ALL his lying life, could NOT work a regular job, to dumb so he choice politics as career choice where term limits need to be put into place, just like the old hag nancy 84 out the door with her hunched over self with walker, and joe chose a dumber vp than him, and she is NOT black and NOT the first claiming black worm to run for president, there where numerous before her, read your history, and hillary also lost to trump
bidens just lye and steal that’s there legacy
Excuse me, who’s currently president, and whose diplomats have been working on this deal?
Was Trump trying to interfere? Probably. He certainly hasn’t said anything approving about what was worked out.
What are you people smoking?
YOU must be smoking crack cocaine.
What did we expect Biden/Harris stole the 2020 election so why wouldn’t Biden steal Trumps credit. Just be prepared that’s not the end of Biden thief. He is going to take credit moving forward in the Trump administration saying it was an expansion on what Biden did in his term.