Joe Biden NOW saying HE could have BEATEN TRUMP! LOL



Joe quit the race and he was not forced out by the Democratic Party.

During the debate I think Donald Trump looked like he felt sorry for Biden


  1. This hollowed -out corpse turd couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. His senility and his families need/ greed have him convinced that he had sway. He was bought and paid for by the elite, Soros, Hollywood, anyone who could benefit from his conceit, arrogance and STUPIDITY. Clooney shit on him and then threw him to the curb, once the machine gave him the word to do so. Biden is a pawn. Now he is a stiff, mentally fried, used- up lacky to the deep state who have been running America for decades. He should be six feet under, but they keep winding him up and pointing him towards a podium. Can’t go on forever, but they will whip him on until Jan 20th. Then he will disappear into shame and ridicule.

  2. Hidenbiden u are delusional, embarrassment. U would of gotten beaten worse than commie kamala, and still kicked to the curb, as a mentally compromised, laughing stock of the world. Get out while your still, able to, u pathetic, lying, egotistic, narcistic, delusional, senile, old fool.

  3. Biden says he could have beat Donald Trump…. Sure when the world believes he actually won the 2020 election. Biden is a corrupt, fake and incompetent politician always was and always will be. He skated for over 50 years and made several millions of dollars, being in bed with China, he will be known as the biggest asshole president we have ever had. Good riddance asswipe!

  4. This is what happens when we don’t have term limits: we get demented, arrogant, corrup, narcissistic ignorant fools enriching themselves at taxpayers expense. Let’s get term limits and get back to the constitutional republic that our forefathers intended.

  5. Dopey ol’ Joe is delusional. He’s living in an alternate reality. There is NO WAY he could have beaten Trump. Dopey ol’ Joe will now ride off into the sunset with full-blown dementia and senility. He’ll never be held accountable for his crimes against America.

  6. Sure you could have beaten him…..LOL Have jill take you back to bed, with some ice cream, and a stuffie….. Any dem/lib/commie/socialist that would have voted for you would be on the dead rolls in each and every state.


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