Americans voted for this imbecile to be commander and thief and failed in economics and should not be president at all he is the worst president in American history
as corupt as the far leftist are and all the stuff they did to take down AMERICA AND AMERICANS ARE YOU SURE PEOPLE VOTED THE BIDEN SCUM FAMILY IN OFFICE
I agree. We DID NOT vote the Biden team into office. It was the biggest & messiest theft of a political office except for third world countries where they shoot their competitors.
Now that we’ve finally gotten the chance to see how moronic Harris really is, it’s become terrifyingly obvious that we’ve had four disastrous years of a crooked, yet senile, fool that operated with absolutely no safety net whatsoever. Biden should have been pulled out of office long ago, but his replacement was even worse, so there he stayed. This needs to be a lesson to every American voter to pay attention to who’s on the ticket as VP, since they’re only a heartbeat away from either saving or screwing us all. America may well have dodged a bullet this time, but it was certainly too close for comfort.
That’s fine and dandy RC if the election didn’t have “greased skids”. FOX NEWS might want to do a recall on all that cash they paid out. And ABC government organizations lied about the laptop, 51 Intel Wirkers lied on official letterhead to RIG A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! FOX NEWS GOT TAKEN!, As did “WE THE PEOPLE”.
What is worst Biden is so corrupt he giving his son himself his crime family all blanket pardon but when he is thru he give Ukraine pardon for all thier money laundry scam he will pardon the Ukraine mafia the cartel at our southern border all the child molesters all the demonrats and Republicans rhinos for Jan 6 along with the DOJ he will pardon blm he’ll pardon his pervert administration he will pardon communist China for all the drugs pumped in our southern border he will pardon Canada Mexico of all the criminals that pumped thru our southern border he’ll pardon all the thieves in Washington DC every criminals that used a gun In thier crime he will pardon rapist and murders he will pardon antifa for all burnings and murders they committed
So if these people have blanketed themselves with protection from the laws. What is another source to see that they get justice? There must be some way to make them pay for the theft and crimes they’ve committed against have committed against “WE THE PEOPLE”. That they can make rules before they leave office before the next administration take’s over covering them to not return to work and still receive pay and benefits? They are still out to collapse our country! These are OUTLAWS OF THE STATE! They didn’t like how a legal election went. Where’s the TAR AND FEATHERS! They don’t belong here!
That is all well and good, now but you were all warned back in 2019 what a weak and corrupt man Biden and his admin was because you had 8 years of Obama /Biden regime in 2008-2016 and they did nothing good for the country and its citizens. They implemented all sorts of restrictions, that Trump removed in 2016 and Biden/Obama put back on in 2021! Many of those restrictions are still in effect in California which Newsulini refuses to remove! Biden was not elected he was installed by Obama, and so was Harris, so that Obama could have a 3rd and 4th term. Thank God, and Trump that we have been spared ! Hopefully we have all leaned our lesson about voting for a democrat! Come 2028 let’s make sure that we don’t have a repeat of 2020
I NEVER voted for Obummer, Hitlery, Biden or Harris and neither did any true conservative Republicans. The fix was in. There’s nothing that will convince me that Obummer’s and Biden’s elections were legit even though Obummer “charmed” a lot of people. 2020 election was definitely stolen and we barely escaped another stolen election with Kamala. Election fraud was rampant this last go-around yet no one is going to prison. These election commissioners need to be scrutinized well before the 2026 mid-terms and the 2028 presidential elections. Voter rolls need to be inspected and cleaned up well before the elections, not during. People need to be held accountable if/when fraud is discovered. Votes need to be counted the day of the election or early election and not still be lingering in weeks after. Mail-in votes should be only for specific reasons, like deployed military, hospitalization or for the infirm and be approved well in advance. Voter commissioners and volunteer need to be brought up on charges if they are caught counting illegal votes, such as this last election. They defied a court order to stop counting the illegal votes. Drop boxes should be eliminated and mail-in votes must be mailed in USPS mail boxes or the post office. All USPS employees need to be screened with a full background check. That should already be happening as part of their hiring process anyway. The USPS has gone down hill since they were outsourced and unionized. They need to be US govt.-controlled
once again. NO DEI or CRT hires, merit and experience-based only. There needs to be a huge penalty of prison time and fines for anyone caught in voter fraud no matter who they are. Integrity is utmost important – we don’t want the fox guarding the hen house.
Selected, not elected. And at this point everyone with 1/2 a brain should know the KENYAN has been ruining our country since Bribem raised his wrong hand! I’m surprised that XI isn’t coming to the Inauguration to get his “hard copy” of Bribem’s pardon for the “small incursion” of several million Chinese Covid deaths and to the 400 Fentanyl deaths of Americans a day, we now have because of the open border. So far, those Chinese soldiers that have invaded the southern border are behaving well, as they aren’t involved in the rape-fest those from south of the border are involved in. Will Bribem give a pardon to Anthony Blinken and those 51 Intel Analysts that lied about Hunter’s laptop on official government letterhead to rig the 2020 election. Who asked Blinken to do this? Not Joke Bribem, the “Pardon King”. This was a coup d’Etat by government employees. All should be in court and jailed.
Undoubtably, the most corrupt and inept duo chosen to lead our Nation, EVER! The American public HOPEFULLY has learned that the MSM must be scrutimized & the candidates researched in depth when voting for our country’s leadership. Do your civic duty & vote, but do it responsibly to avoid disasters as these last 4 yrs. Stay informed but don’t use the liberal MSM as your ultimate source
Tell Obama, his family and friends to go live with Whoopi and Ellen as long as they get out of our country. Obama is the only reason that America is in shambles. Biden has no idea where the toilet is located and couldn’t possibly run a concession stand. President Trump will fix it.
Put this mentally disturbed, pathetic, embarrassment, in a fkg nursing home, where he belongs. He so delusional, and out of touch with reality, and still a danger, to America, every time, he opens his pie hole. He is out of line, and needs to be silenced, for his stupidity, and lying, all the time. He needs to stfu.
He was never smart. A buffoon, a pathological liar, a pervert, a huge crook,indeed. Never had a real job, as a Senator he was useless. As a V.P . even that scumbag Obama said “You want anything fked up call Joe. The Bidens and Obama’s hated each other, Kabala and Bidens hated each other. Joe and his family ae on an even keel with the Clinton Mafia.As a Dad he had 4 kids, one died as a toddler, one of brain cancer and the other two drug addicts, Hunter is a POS. Great job Joe!
A snub to Sore Throat Kamala’s face might be an improvement for her compared to other “things” put in her face, especially her mouth. The only bad thing about the snub in the face for Sore Throat Kamala is that this WON’T further her political career.
Hide him somewhere
Americans voted for this imbecile to be commander and thief and failed in economics and should not be president at all he is the worst president in American history
100% correct! Harris is just as bad!
as corupt as the far leftist are and all the stuff they did to take down AMERICA AND AMERICANS ARE YOU SURE PEOPLE VOTED THE BIDEN SCUM FAMILY IN OFFICE
pamela if you count all the dead and all the two and three votes by one person then yes. If all you count are the real American votes then hell no.
I agree. We DID NOT vote the Biden team into office. It was the biggest & messiest theft of a political office except for third world countries where they shoot their competitors.
bribedon should be in jail…for decades of grifting, treasonous behavior…serial liar for 50 years.
Now that we’ve finally gotten the chance to see how moronic Harris really is, it’s become terrifyingly obvious that we’ve had four disastrous years of a crooked, yet senile, fool that operated with absolutely no safety net whatsoever. Biden should have been pulled out of office long ago, but his replacement was even worse, so there he stayed. This needs to be a lesson to every American voter to pay attention to who’s on the ticket as VP, since they’re only a heartbeat away from either saving or screwing us all. America may well have dodged a bullet this time, but it was certainly too close for comfort.
That’s fine and dandy RC if the election didn’t have “greased skids”. FOX NEWS might want to do a recall on all that cash they paid out. And ABC government organizations lied about the laptop, 51 Intel Wirkers lied on official letterhead to RIG A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! FOX NEWS GOT TAKEN!, As did “WE THE PEOPLE”.
What is worst Biden is so corrupt he giving his son himself his crime family all blanket pardon but when he is thru he give Ukraine pardon for all thier money laundry scam he will pardon the Ukraine mafia the cartel at our southern border all the child molesters all the demonrats and Republicans rhinos for Jan 6 along with the DOJ he will pardon blm he’ll pardon his pervert administration he will pardon communist China for all the drugs pumped in our southern border he will pardon Canada Mexico of all the criminals that pumped thru our southern border he’ll pardon all the thieves in Washington DC every criminals that used a gun In thier crime he will pardon rapist and murders he will pardon antifa for all burnings and murders they committed
So if these people have blanketed themselves with protection from the laws. What is another source to see that they get justice? There must be some way to make them pay for the theft and crimes they’ve committed against have committed against “WE THE PEOPLE”. That they can make rules before they leave office before the next administration take’s over covering them to not return to work and still receive pay and benefits? They are still out to collapse our country! These are OUTLAWS OF THE STATE! They didn’t like how a legal election went. Where’s the TAR AND FEATHERS! They don’t belong here!
hell every non TRUMP republican blanket pardons all demonrats tax evades blanket pardon fbi Cia blanket pardon
That is all well and good, now but you were all warned back in 2019 what a weak and corrupt man Biden and his admin was because you had 8 years of Obama /Biden regime in 2008-2016 and they did nothing good for the country and its citizens. They implemented all sorts of restrictions, that Trump removed in 2016 and Biden/Obama put back on in 2021! Many of those restrictions are still in effect in California which Newsulini refuses to remove! Biden was not elected he was installed by Obama, and so was Harris, so that Obama could have a 3rd and 4th term. Thank God, and Trump that we have been spared ! Hopefully we have all leaned our lesson about voting for a democrat! Come 2028 let’s make sure that we don’t have a repeat of 2020
I NEVER voted for Obummer, Hitlery, Biden or Harris and neither did any true conservative Republicans. The fix was in. There’s nothing that will convince me that Obummer’s and Biden’s elections were legit even though Obummer “charmed” a lot of people. 2020 election was definitely stolen and we barely escaped another stolen election with Kamala. Election fraud was rampant this last go-around yet no one is going to prison. These election commissioners need to be scrutinized well before the 2026 mid-terms and the 2028 presidential elections. Voter rolls need to be inspected and cleaned up well before the elections, not during. People need to be held accountable if/when fraud is discovered. Votes need to be counted the day of the election or early election and not still be lingering in weeks after. Mail-in votes should be only for specific reasons, like deployed military, hospitalization or for the infirm and be approved well in advance. Voter commissioners and volunteer need to be brought up on charges if they are caught counting illegal votes, such as this last election. They defied a court order to stop counting the illegal votes. Drop boxes should be eliminated and mail-in votes must be mailed in USPS mail boxes or the post office. All USPS employees need to be screened with a full background check. That should already be happening as part of their hiring process anyway. The USPS has gone down hill since they were outsourced and unionized. They need to be US govt.-controlled
once again. NO DEI or CRT hires, merit and experience-based only. There needs to be a huge penalty of prison time and fines for anyone caught in voter fraud no matter who they are. Integrity is utmost important – we don’t want the fox guarding the hen house.
Yup, he was cheated in by the same people who cheated Obama in both times. It’s why the outcome has been the same all three times. Trash!
People are sick of them, hence the major turnaround.
where the hell is joe?
Joe who?
It’s time to invoke the 25th amendment for us, with limited power for commie lala.
If both shitpants Joe and Sore Throat Kamala are removed, then speaker of the House is next in line.
He is so great he can do all of this in his sleep.
Selected, not elected. And at this point everyone with 1/2 a brain should know the KENYAN has been ruining our country since Bribem raised his wrong hand! I’m surprised that XI isn’t coming to the Inauguration to get his “hard copy” of Bribem’s pardon for the “small incursion” of several million Chinese Covid deaths and to the 400 Fentanyl deaths of Americans a day, we now have because of the open border. So far, those Chinese soldiers that have invaded the southern border are behaving well, as they aren’t involved in the rape-fest those from south of the border are involved in. Will Bribem give a pardon to Anthony Blinken and those 51 Intel Analysts that lied about Hunter’s laptop on official government letterhead to rig the 2020 election. Who asked Blinken to do this? Not Joke Bribem, the “Pardon King”. This was a coup d’Etat by government employees. All should be in court and jailed.
Should have happened a long time ago!
Undoubtably, the most corrupt and inept duo chosen to lead our Nation, EVER! The American public HOPEFULLY has learned that the MSM must be scrutimized & the candidates researched in depth when voting for our country’s leadership. Do your civic duty & vote, but do it responsibly to avoid disasters as these last 4 yrs. Stay informed but don’t use the liberal MSM as your ultimate source
please don’t talk over what you want us to hear.
Tell Obama, his family and friends to go live with Whoopi and Ellen as long as they get out of our country. Obama is the only reason that America is in shambles. Biden has no idea where the toilet is located and couldn’t possibly run a concession stand. President Trump will fix it.
Every single pardon should go thru the U.S. Supreme Court and be officially annulled. These are being done to promote corruption. PERIOD!
What ever happened to those 15 million votes Biden supposedly got in 2020.
Put this mentally disturbed, pathetic, embarrassment, in a fkg nursing home, where he belongs. He so delusional, and out of touch with reality, and still a danger, to America, every time, he opens his pie hole. He is out of line, and needs to be silenced, for his stupidity, and lying, all the time. He needs to stfu.
He was never smart. A buffoon, a pathological liar, a pervert, a huge crook,indeed. Never had a real job, as a Senator he was useless. As a V.P . even that scumbag Obama said “You want anything fked up call Joe. The Bidens and Obama’s hated each other, Kabala and Bidens hated each other. Joe and his family ae on an even keel with the Clinton Mafia.As a Dad he had 4 kids, one died as a toddler, one of brain cancer and the other two drug addicts, Hunter is a POS. Great job Joe!
Old Blue eyes Biden is so full of it his eyes are brown …literally oh wait it Joe version 3.0
A snub to Sore Throat Kamala’s face might be an improvement for her compared to other “things” put in her face, especially her mouth. The only bad thing about the snub in the face for Sore Throat Kamala is that this WON’T further her political career.
WHAT PLANET IS HE EVEN ON???!!! What economy is he talking about? UGH!!!!!