Joe Biden EMBARRASSED Himself One Last Time Before LEAVING White House



4 years of deception, really??? How about 40 years of deception….

Thank goodness we are only a week away from his last day in office


    • Only in 1/10`s try half a century. The American people have to stand up to this. If he is senile and incompetent. Then treat his document signing as such. His pardons should be nil and void. If not he should be put behind bars as soon as his presidency is at an end. We can`t allow this to ever happen again. To hide behind made-up laws is despicable.

    • If you’d get off your ass and do some research you’ll find shitpants Joe has been a piece of shit his whole life and has NEVER done even 1/100 of the bullshit he says he did. Your Marxist dummycrat head is the one buried in cement.

    • al stop spewing lies. My wife of 57 years was a Catholic when we got married. She is not a traitor. You want to spew that kind of BS then come here and do it to my face. I will love nothing more that to put your sorry ass on the ground.

    • You are not the brightest light bulb in the factory. However , old Joe has a rude awakening coming soon. First Corinthians chapter 11 vs 26 28: First let a man examine himself, for he who partakes of the body and blood of Our Lord Jesus in an unworthy manner , will eat and drink to his damnation

  1. Sad, pathetic and a disgrace what he has done to this country. He ruined any chance of having a decent legacy of any kind. Really a dishonor to this country

  2. If telling the truth matters, why has Obiden and his administration been lying to us the past four years? Such a disgrace, to have this empty suit as our president. Thank God, that Trump is taking over. Hopefully, he’ll get us back on the right track.

  3. Libturds write the history books, so Joe will be celebrated in the future. He and his administration will not be looked at as one step up from flaming dog manure, that they are. He will be cheered for beating Trump, allegedly. I guess even the Diddycrats didn’t want Kacklea to be president. All of those dead voters were told to stay in their graves this election.

  4. I.m glad America got their sense back voted for Trump ,another 4 years of shitpants sleepy Joe, America would be done, he,s giving America, s money to a losing war, get out Joe, stay out you dumb ass.


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