Carrie is a very pretty woman but she’s also very talented. Shitpants Joe, Cowardly Bill, and Dougy are only thinking one thing when they look at Carrie. Worthless stupid old moldy farts who think they’re Huge Hefner. Carrie would find them BORING.
None of those old guys can even get it up anymore even with triple doses of Viagra.
They are all thinking: “how do the republicans manage to get all the really good looking women while we are stuck with Kamala, Hilary, Maxine waters and Jill bidden?”
Look at all the ugly women in those feminists and anti -trump marches. Leftist women are just ugly. the hate and angry seems to exude out of their skin.
Those old dummycrat bastards couldn’t it up even if they had a crane to go with their triple dose of Viagra. But in Bill’s defense, I’d look elsewhere too if I have an old scuzzy bitch like Hillary for a wife. A dozen years ago I read an article that the only reason he stayed married to slimely scuzzy old hag bitch was for the sake of their daughter. Otherwise, he would’ve divorced her.
Elmhoff and Clinton reminded me of two dogs in heat. Carrie Underwood is such a far cry from Democrat Entertainers. When you are a real entertainer you don’t have to walk with your boobs and tail exposed. You do these tricks when YOU ARE ATTMPTING TO BE SEXY AND HALF THE TIME DOESN’T WORK BECAUSE THEY DON’T SEE ANYTHING INVITING. LORD, THESE DEMOCRATS ARE SO PHONY.
Carrie is a very pretty woman but she’s also very talented. Shitpants Joe, Cowardly Bill, and Dougy are only thinking one thing when they look at Carrie. Worthless stupid old moldy farts who think they’re Huge Hefner. Carrie would find them BORING.
None of those old guys can even get it up anymore even with triple doses of Viagra.
They are all thinking: “how do the republicans manage to get all the really good looking women while we are stuck with Kamala, Hilary, Maxine waters and Jill bidden?”
Look at all the ugly women in those feminists and anti -trump marches. Leftist women are just ugly. the hate and angry seems to exude out of their skin.
All the ugly comes out.
Those old dummycrat bastards couldn’t it up even if they had a crane to go with their triple dose of Viagra. But in Bill’s defense, I’d look elsewhere too if I have an old scuzzy bitch like Hillary for a wife. A dozen years ago I read an article that the only reason he stayed married to slimely scuzzy old hag bitch was for the sake of their daughter. Otherwise, he would’ve divorced her.
A pretty woman gets noticed – to men it like squirrel to a dog
Elmhoff and Clinton reminded me of two dogs in heat. Carrie Underwood is such a far cry from Democrat Entertainers. When you are a real entertainer you don’t have to walk with your boobs and tail exposed. You do these tricks when YOU ARE ATTMPTING TO BE SEXY AND HALF THE TIME DOESN’T WORK BECAUSE THEY DON’T SEE ANYTHING INVITING. LORD, THESE DEMOCRATS ARE SO PHONY.