Jimmy Kimmel CAUGHT FAKE CRYING Over FIRES After MOCKING Fire Critics with Bill Burr



Bill Burr is a millionaire and acts pissed off and irritated all of the time. Get bent. His act is so played out at this point.

Bills TDS has caused him to lose his comedic personality.


  1. Jimmy cries about his theater MIGHT have been in the path of the fire? How about the people who’s property WAS in the path of the fire? Then has the nerve to complain about Trump when Trump STILL is not the president, yet. No complaints about shitpants Joe, Newshit, or the Marxist AWOL Mayor. Then the dumb bastard plays the race card. If my home was burning I wouldn’t care what skin color the fire fighters had, just so they fight the fire. The only negative thing Trump, and several others, said about the LA Fire Department was the fact they were understaffed because of budget cuts, fire fighters forced to leave the job because of arguments over the covid jab, inept politicians who were WARNED 3 days before the wind driven fire storm happened that failed to take steps to minimize the damage, stupid forestry practices that allowed the fire to get out of control, and a mayor who decided to go on a joy ride to Africa instead of staying in LA, and stupid governor who’s policies set up this disaster than blames everyone but himself, and finally, a stupid senile shitpants old smelly who fart who pretends to be a president but couldn’t find his own ass to wipe it without the “doctor’s” help. Jimmy and Bill should donate their skulls to science so they can be examined on how a human being can live without a brain.

  2. Remebmer when his spawn was born with a heart condition. He really performed then, like his kid was the only one who had issues… HE cried, pzzzed and moaned like he was the only person on earth who had pain over a kid. At least he could he afford to get him a doctor. He puts puke in my mouth. He is a loser, a twat, laughing over the hell other folks have to endure… What a c — nt

  3. Hey Kimmel. Why aren’t you thanking Newscum and Bass for their outstanding work? You too, Burr. So wonderful how the deranged leftists, celebrate a murderer. It’s ironic, that a day after the Golden Globe ceremony mocking God, these fires start. Kimmel is a crybaby, soy boy. Wasn’t this creep in The Man Show? Sorry dude, you lost your man card years ago.


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