Janet Jackson DECLARES Kamala Harris Is INDIAN and NOT BLACK! Black Liberals LOSE THEIR MINDS!



I don’t understand why black people are so desperate to claim this woman. When this woman has never claimed them.

Being from Jamaica doesn’t make you black


  1. Donald Trump promised “numbers like we’ve never seen.” And he delivered.
    He’s racked up 34 felony convictions, 54 pending criminal charges, 2 impeachments, 2 popular-vote losses, $88 million owed to E. Jean Carroll, $450 million owed for civil fraud, $8 trillion added to the national debt, and a 2.9 million net loss of jobs. Now there’s a real loser for you.

    • no taxpayers are the losers
      trillions to ukraine
      and zelinsky begging for more, and why not so he can have 3 private jets, 5 houses, island vacations, wife shopping in Paris for Christmas,

    • No, you and your ilk are the real losers. All of your rhetoric is bogus and will be proven as such. It’s the only way the Dems can win besides assassination attempts. Voting for Kamala will be the guaranteed destruction of America as we know it and it will be because of voters like you. You will be screaming the loudest when America falls, trying to pass the blame as usual.

      • Leslie – where is “All of your rhetoric is bogus and will be proven as such.” bogus and actually proven?

        Can you provide us some sources or links? If you don’t, maybe you are bogus – a trump supporter bot.

    • But he’s still a thousand times better than the Marxists who are running against him! He’s a winner, AGAIN! Those were trumped up charges against him and he will be exonerated! Now go back to kissing the Marxists butts, LOSER!

    • What has Kamala Harris done as vice president?

      *Cast the deciding vote in the evenly split chamber for the 2021 bill on the senate floor.
      *Visited a Planned Parenthood clinic on March 14.
      *Walking through the clinic in Minnesota, spoke with staff members and health care providers as part of her nationwide “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms”. Spent much of the 2022 midterms appealing to voters with promises to prioritize and protect reproductive rights.
      *Celebrated the announcement of new electronics equipment production made possible by the Biden-Harris Administration’s “Investing in America” agenda and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
      *Pushed for Congress to pass the John R Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, requiring federal approval for some local election law changes.
      *Biden tapped Harris in the early months of their term to spearhead efforts to address the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.Harris is still attempting to address the root causes of the immigration problem. She “awkwardly downplayed the urgency” of her visit. It took her months to make her first and only visit to the area.
      Voting rights
      Harris was also at the forefront of the administration’s pursuit to codify voting rights protections. She pushed for Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, which would have extended the protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and required federal approval for some local election law changes. The VP “dove into” the “chance to make her mark on a hugely important issue,” Eugene Daniels said in Politico. To further that goal, Harris “helped craft political coalitions with civil rights leaders, built outside pressure on Congress, and engaged privately with lawmakers.” Ultimately, her work “hit a brick wall” when Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and now-independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) rejected proposed changes to Senate procedures to stop a Republican filibuster.Biden and Harris had “three-and-a-half years” to “fix the border” and to “create jobs.

      Why hasn’t she done it?

  2. What a joke to call Trump a “businessman” after 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. The word is “LOSER” instead. Does it take talent to inherit NYC real estate that quadrupled in value while tenants pay you rent? He sure was a total loser at playing president. Cost us 8 TRILLION dollars because the buffoon was clueless about economics. Luckily we flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity voters had, before he bankrupted the country. Any candidate with a brain could have beaten Biden.

  3. Well, at least Janet understands the reality of the Democrat party and how they have to transform themselves and their accent to whoever they’re trying to pander to!

  4. I don’t care if she is black, white, east Indian, or whatever. She is stupid. Doesn’t know North Korea from South Korea, and NO POLICIES THAT ARE GOOD FOR AMERICAN!!!! Vote for policies not skin color.

    • If I voted for Trump just because he his white that would be racist and stupid. Anyone voting for Harris JUST because she is black is racist and stupid. Again vote for what is good for this country. The last four years have been HORRIBLE because of open borders, the economy, national debt, funding wars, and the ability to face adversity and tough questions. Harris is on the wrong side of all those things.

  5. if she is NOT black
    then she is destroying it for a REAL black female who may want to run for president in the FUTURE

    • Precisely. Now that is competent analysis. But unfortunately some people will do and accept anything to win and get Power. We see what happens when they get Power. We are living it now. We are constantly told what to think. We are constantly told up is down, right is left, men are women and women are men and we should just shut up and accept. This comes from decades of Political correctness, which is quite a euphemism, becoming the norm in Society. This is always corrosive in a Nation that professes Foundational Freedom. Everything loses meaning and substance and History becomes nothing but belief in Lies. That is Communism folks.

    • How is she doing that – “she is destroying it for a REAL black female who may want to run for president in the FUTURE” can you explain HOW?

  6. Kamala wants to be black ‘so let her.She thinks she can get the minority votes by doing this.She is not white I will tell you that.I guess a real black person can tell if she is black or not.I wonder if she can jump?Or sing like Miss Jackson?Can she moon walk?She dresses like a man in suits all the time.I hope she is not counting on her wardrobe or race to carry her to the oval office?Just remember the illegals are going to take over the black neighborhoods as we speak.

  7. Yes, it’s a shame that Trump turned out to be such a horseshit president, and worse that the GOP couldn’t find a better candidate in 2020. Anyone else could have beaten Biden, except the orange turd. He really is a joke.

  8. Thank you Marcia! There are so few of us on these sites that can see OT for who he is.

    The country of free speech? OT thinks if you criticize his appointed Supreme Court justices you should go to jail.


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