Jane Fonda Gets ROASTED by Bill Maher in Epic Clash Over Far Left



Hanoi Jane would be the last person I would take political advice from.

She is seriously out of touch, has been since the 60’s.


    • She’s been and will always be a traitor to the US. Hollywood needs to remain actors and actresses and stay out of politics. The only thing they’re good for is acting like someone they’re not.

    • I could not agree more! So many of these past celebrities think they are still relevant. They are dumb morons all of them. Hollywood is a dead cess pool

      • In the case of Hanoi Jane, she’s always been a dumb moron and if it wasn’t for her father, Jane would’ve been in prison or forced to flee to one of the communist countries she says she loves but never moves to any of them.

  1. Already knew about Jane but how about Commie Kamala with her stunt
    in Vietnam. Praying over a Monument head bowed in reflection. The only
    catch She was honoring the Vietnamese who Shot down John McCain’s
    Plane so long ago. Just another recollection on how Far our America has
    fallen under Democratic Rule. The Dems are done in America We have a real President who is looking out for us The American People First! Amen

    • Yes America has fallen and the culture is garbage, so we now have to turn this around. These morons on Newsbreak Site , and the indoctrination of the people is sickening. The dumbing of America is everywhere ! Our post office, our drugs stores, our doctors offices, our credit card customer service, etc. No matter who you try to get help from, it is the same thing, morons, morons and more morons!

  2. A first class American traitor, I hope rots in hell soon. She got 2 American POWS beat to death, after she told the Vietnamese 2 pows had handed her notes at the Hanoi Hilton

    • Bill uses the word “us” ? I am NOT associated with him… When Faux Snews fired Tucker, I cut my cable. Amerika has not been normal since JFK was killed by the deep STATE/MIC

        • You are Correct dog nothing wild about your statement. However it was 11/24/1963 that convinced me. Why you ask. That’s when Jack Ruby came out of the closet and blew away an innocent person. Who was it? Of course it was
          Lee Harvey Oswald the Patsy in the Democrat Scheme.

  3. Should have already been HANGED !!!
    Does she really think America loves her !?

    I have heard nothing but GODAWFUL things about her. Even Bob Hope never respected her. Just used her.

  4. I am white. Put into an orphanage when I was 4 (1969). Left there, went into foster home after foster home. Then from one group home to another. LIFE WAS JUST NOT EASY after that.Where in the HELL was my WHITE PRIVILEGE !!??
    I got REDLINED for everything I did in life !!
    Both of those DUMBASSES haven’t got a clue about any FUCKING race.
    They are both in FACT Millionaire’s.
    Why would they give a SHIT!!??

    • And God Bless You, Earnest. My grandfather died (horribly) in a coal mining disaster. White privilege? We take in kids from abusive homes, subjected to horrible things and often mired in grinding poverty. White privilege? I share a grandchild with a man whose childhood sounds almost exactly like your own. White privilege? This term “white privilege” is spouted as tho’ it actually means something, but it doesn’t. There may be privilege attached to wealth or status or power, but it’s color blind – more likely to be found at one of P. Diddly’s parties than in almost any white household. It’s a shibboleth. A myth. It means nothing in real life. It’s a racist term used by the privileged to distract from their own advantages and to wrap themselves in unearned “virtue”.

    • Hanoi Jane was born with a silver spoon in her big fat mouth. She’s never had to struggle for anything. Notice that she thinks communism is so great but just like burned out Bernie, she NEVER moves to any communist country. She’s a stupid worthless spoiled rotten pile of runny old shit!

  5. ABSOLUTELY spot on oldefart !!!
    If you think about it I never hear in the modern era about the AMERICAN DREAM being obtained by PRIVILEGED WHITES. But take a look at the entertainment world. Movies,NFL,NBA etc.
    WOW!! So colorful.
    GOD BLESS YOU as well !!!
    And a Big MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family !!!!!!!

  6. In ’94 I didn’t qualify for the FTHB
    And I’m white !!!
    Kinda wonder why my WHITE PRIVILEGE wasn’t working for me.

    • I’m white and a veteran and yet I was denied a home loan from the VA even though I had a good credit score, a stable job with a good income, and the house met all the requirements for a VA loan. I bought the house but used a local Savings & Loan and actually got the house for a cheaper price. Thanks to white bitch Hillary, there are no more Savings & Loans anywhere in this country. Where’s my white privilege?


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