That old crook. He should have been in a cell for years, starting with the Tawana Bradley race baiting lie. He is a race “Ho”. He owes at let 4million in back taxes, why is he not in a Federal Pen for that? I am not sure how that pencil neck holds that melon head,but hoe springs eternal.
If I owed the government that much money they would of taken all my property and my income and thrown me in prison only a black demonrats can get away with committing federal crimes
He was the model for bobble head ..giant head on a pencil neck and little skinny body..he is the the perfect example of where the dirty word “nig-er” came from ..pushing racism while pretending to be against it..they don’t come much lower then he is
Our pal Al is a ‘protected person’. He is the token mouthpiece for the Left in the black community, therefore he is ‘untouchable’. If he ever turns on them, they will fry him like they did to Eric Adams. Stay on the plantation, Bro and make lots of money.
Got rid of Jesse Jackson, now it’s finally Al’s turn.
That old crook. He should have been in a cell for years, starting with the Tawana Bradley race baiting lie. He is a race “Ho”. He owes at let 4million in back taxes, why is he not in a Federal Pen for that? I am not sure how that pencil neck holds that melon head,but hoe springs eternal.
If I owed the government that much money they would of taken all my property and my income and thrown me in prison only a black demonrats can get away with committing federal crimes
He spews hate, vitriol and invective. Just tune him out.
He was the model for bobble head ..giant head on a pencil neck and little skinny body..he is the the perfect example of where the dirty word “nig-er” came from ..pushing racism while pretending to be against it..they don’t come much lower then he is
Our pal Al is a ‘protected person’. He is the token mouthpiece for the Left in the black community, therefore he is ‘untouchable’. If he ever turns on them, they will fry him like they did to Eric Adams. Stay on the plantation, Bro and make lots of money.