Idiots At FEMA Sent Electric Chainsaws to Town without Electricity



Trump donated $25M to those suffering people in NC How much money has Kamala donated? $0

Donald Trump is actually helping the people affected by the hurricanes


    • Your TDS is showing through. Not everyone in the area affected has access to a generator. Besides, the portable generators are heavy and require GASOLINE to run on. Those that do have them are using them to keep medicine and medical equipment working. It takes at least one hour to charge a 60v chainsaw — after an initial 4-hour-charge up on a new battery. Gasoline is easily transportable in small containers. Apparently, you have never operated a chainsaw or helped with clean-up after a disaster.

  1. They don’t want these people to vote. They don’t want people to live. They don’t want people to talk. They send millions to Lebanon the same week. They are the threat to democracy. They are EVIL !

  2. What natural disasters have the dems EVER responded well to over the past four years? Name one. Fema Director is a joke. She should be brought before cobgress like the SS Director to answer for her incompetence. Desantis is dealing with the hurricane. Why can’t FEMA? It’s their job.

  3. I didn’t get to ask this question under the article of the 60 minutes interview so—My question is when Kamala was interviewed by 60 minutes, was she fact checked like they had planned to do with Trump? If she doesn’t have an answer, she blames Trump for whatever and makes assumptions which, in my opinion, makes her look like a complete IMBICILE!!

  4. Every person on the spew is a liar, including Kacklea. This entire administration is disgusting. It was Mayorcas, who said “There’s no more money for disaster relief.” That wasn’t Trump talking to the US citizens. So, if they didn’t give the money to illegals, did they just fill their own wallets? Where’s the money. Take some damned responsibility. Obiden and Kacklea have destroyed every government agency in just four years.

  5. Don’t yall get it in the demonrats perfect world every one has solar panels and windmills believing in their global warming god but they won’t even talk about the over 100 active volcanoes blow carbondixoide and other gasses into the atmosphere and just one volcanoe blows out more gasses then all of the United States and according to evolutionist the earth has been doing this for trillion of years so why is the earth a Venus world or a Mars how in the world does the earth have oxygen you vote stupid you get stupid

    • Yes, stupid people gave one disastrous term to Trump. Then smart people flushed the orange turd before he could do any more damage to the country. These days, all the imbecile can do is lie and hurl insults, except when he’s peddling his Made-in-China trinkets to supplement his income. What a total loser Trump turned out to be!

        • Why would we give Trump another chance to turn the USA into a shithole country run by a Hitler-Putin loving wannabe dictator? He was by far the worst president in history.

  6. This is a punishment for having gas cars,trucks,lawn mowers.See what happens when you dont listen and go over to electric stuff.This is the peoples fault.This is to prove they now best.It would look bad to send gas powered saws because it gos against their narratives.This is how communists do things.Time for the SEALS to take out the trash.

  7. Yes, who wants a Commie wannabe dictator like Trump back in office after he did such a horseshit job? What a total loser he turned out to be! Keep flushing the orange turd. He’s a senile demented buffoon.


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