No one cares about the opinions of actors with TDS.
“Every gun is loaded” FIRST rule of gun safety.
No one cares about the opinions of actors with TDS.
“Every gun is loaded” FIRST rule of gun safety.
ALEC BALDWIN IS SCUM!! SNL is a woke joke i will not watch ever again
SNL hasn’t been worth watching since 1980.
Got that right!
Alec Baldwin is a fat ass jerk murderer and he thinks he got away with it, but he will pay with a much higher power than the US Court. Take your clothes off Baldwin and let the world see what you look like compared to RFK, the man is a picture of health compared to you and has the body of a young man. He is wise beyond his years and Trump put him in the perfect position. You Lefties are out of here and it is our turn to turn the country around. Why don’t you and the rest move out like Ellen and her wife did. You are all fucking done!!!! God bless the Trump Administration and God Bless America!!!!!!!
I have to admit when I saw RFKjr in some pictures with his shirt off doing pushups. He is in damn good physical shape. Alec wears a corset to hide his blubber and uses a blow comb on his hair. He’s just a shit talker and that’s all.
RFKJr walks the walk, which is why the left – as well as the neocons – hate him. They’re used to flapping airbags who have no real vision or plan for helping the masses. What Kennedy wants doesn’t involve huge tax increases to line the pockets of our elected leeches, but rather increased accountability from those – both elected and in the private sector – who currently place profit above the well-being of Americans. This shouldn’t be politically polarizing in any way, yet the powers-that-be are working overtime to make it as divisive as possible. At least we know whose side SNL is on. Baldwin, the fat f-ing elitist, fits right in with the show and its ideals.
SusanSusan December 5, 2024 At 10:56 am
Alec Baldwin is a fat ass jerk murderer and he thinks he got away with it, but he will pay with a much higher power than the US Court. Take your clothes off Baldwin and let the world see what you look like compared to RFK, the man is a picture of health compared to you and has the body of a young man. He is wise beyond his years and Trump put him in the perfect position. You Lefties are out of here and it is our turn to turn the country around. Why don’t you and the rest move out like Ellen and her wife did. You are all fucking done!!!! God bless the Trump Administration and God Bless America!!!!!!!
FAT and OLD Alec Baldwin. You know less about America than you do firearm safety. You know less about the Constitution , than you know about remedial history , or is that less about REMEDIAL history , than you do about The Constitution. No , you know nothing but what Obama tell you . You are a skuzbucket with 3 STD’s . Your brain is atrophied from syphilis.
Karma is coming for you and so many other lefties. Just ask Ellen Dgenerate
Killer at work and STILL STUPID
Alex showed his ignorance again. RFKJR is not anti-vax. All of his children had the tried & true vaccines like measles & Polio. RFK is anti- giving vaccines without adequate trials.
If Alex is concerned about measles he should focus on millions of unvaccinated immigrants crossing the border illegally.
Making fun of RFK’s voice. So I guess it is wide open to make fun of his gun pulling its own trigger.
I shop at a co-op that is all about healthy food. Read, know, learn. We have control over what we put in and on our bodies. Look around at all the obesity which was made worse by Covid. Yeah the lefties who run the co-op wave the gay flag, but we are on the same page with our health
So did the lefties who run the co-op vote for Trump in order to ensure that RFKJr has a chance to implement the health changes he’s advocating? If not, then I’d say we’re NOT really on the same page. Harris didn’t have one single proposal for improving the health of Americans, unless one considers mutilating the genitals of minors, or the mass consumption of risky abortion drugs, healthy. Anyone who would vote for such a candidate obviously doesn’t prioritize America’s health, regardless of what they put in or on their own bodies.
Look at the closing minutes of SNL two weeks ago. Alex Baldwin is out with his fly completely down. What a looser.
Alec–you are very uninformed on life and gun safety you incompetent murderer.
Nobody cares what you think libtard.
Alex Baldwin is a murderer. he should be banned from all public venues.
Alec Baldwin is ana$$, he as well is a murderer on the loose, fake or not you always check a gun before shooting it. And Baldwin the film industry IS NOT important. And you are not important or funny . And SNL is no more then a s**thole show, right up there with the View, which by the way is full of racists that I will continue to fight to get it off the air
SNL?? is that shit show still playing to the asswipes?
Alec Baldwin is an uninformed dick licker who is guilty of murder.
Alec is totally wrong again. Hollyweird is dying. I haven’t paid to see a movie in over 10 years and I’m not running to the theater anytime soon. He must be talking about the ‘vacuum’ between his ears. Hollyweird only divides our country, by listening to people like Alec. Talk about out of touch. Alec and all of Hollyweird should shut up and lay low for the next 12 years or so.
In Baldwin’s case, he needs to lay low for the rest of his life and be quietly grateful that he somehow managed to avoid a long prison sentence for the shit that he’s guilty of.
Baldwin is a murderer, with money to buy his way out, sort of like Hunter Biden. He was once worth watching as an actor, but now that he has transitioned into an authority on politics he is despicable. He is trash. He is merely one of 8 billion souls on this globe. and… his opinion? Like dad said… Opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one. We are tired of excusing and being forced to look and listen to this ass hole fart out his worthless opinion. Hopefully karma will come for his disgusting ass.
I have literally not watched a single episode of SNL in well over thirty years, although I’m well aware of their leftist leanings by the multitude of nauseating clips constantly posted online. Even in its heyday, it was always hit or miss with its humor. When it started to become far more miss than hit is when I stopped watching. These days, I get the feeling that people tune in much more for the virtue signaling aspect than any real humor they find in it. In fact, political humor is seldom truly humorous at all, but more a kind of sick bonding experience for like-minded sheep, and that goes for the left AND the right. With the kind of shit coming out of our government, I’m not sure how any rational person can find humor in it. If we’re looking for some kind of escape – however temporary – from the bleak reality of the world we’re living in, I don’t really think politics is the answer. Yet ALL of the left, and much of the right, has made EVERYTHING political, so that there is no longer any topic that doesn’t offend someone. One needs only to look back at some of the television comedies from the ‘50s – those that were considered truly humorous by most everyone back then – to see this. There isn’t a single one of these that would be made today without a massive woke rewriting. The quirks of certain characters would be found offensive to those with similar quirks. Most of those shows portrayed normal lifestyles that those with “alternative” lifestyles would find offensive. And the race and/or gender of any particular character would be offensive to those of a different race and/or gender. It’s not possible to simply laugh at something for its absurdity these days. Everything is first judged against a checklist of inclusivity before it can be released for public consumption. As a result, politics becomes the preferred subject matter, and we get the likes of asshats like Baldwin and the rest of the SNL snowflakes as a substitute for real comedy. We no longer have a sense of humor, but rather a sense of extreme sarcasm that tries unsuccessfully to hide the hateful anger boiling beneath the surface. As for me, I’ll go back to that which was truly entertaining before the world became its current shitshow.