You gotta love Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone these are real men of Hollywood thier movies I will put in my libraries I hate cry babies cowards Hollywood and I will not support it I put my money where my mouth us and it’s MAGA make America great again!!!!
IF you are still going to the theater, YOU are the problem with socialist Amerika. Millions go to the pit of pervs every weekend. When the SHTF, you and the media (commies) will be the first to go
You gotta love Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone these are real men of Hollywood thier movies I will put in my libraries I hate cry babies cowards Hollywood and I will not support it I put my money where my mouth us and it’s MAGA make America great again!!!!
Not us is they really need a way to edit your posts
Hollycrap has hated Mel Gibson ever since he made the movie The Passion of the Christ.
It’s about time somebody stepped up and said stop cause he’s shop molesting pedophile democrats
IF you are still going to the theater, YOU are the problem with socialist Amerika. Millions go to the pit of pervs every weekend. When the SHTF, you and the media (commies) will be the first to go
This site really does suck.You can’t add it and it just says whatever the fuck it wants
you can “add it” as long as you don’t add 2+2 and get 5 (dumbass)
It’s about time somebody stepped up and put a stop to these child molesting pedophile democrats