Hollywood PANICS After Insane WOKE OSCARS Backfire They Didn’t See Coming!



Let’s call the Best Picture category what it really is: The Hollywood Woke Award

Mel Gibson is a true American patriot and should be treated as one.


  1. The Hollywood elite think very highly of themselves. They are on the way out and they’re too stupid to realize it. The American people don’t like what they have become and the Golden Age of Hollywood is dead. I haven’t been to a movie theater since 2005 and I saw Sahara. It was a great movie with Matthew McConnaughey and Penelope Cruz, but I haven’t been back since. There’s been nothing I’ve been interested in since they became WOKE. They’re either unfunny, uncreative, unimaginative, boring or disgusting. If Hollywood doesn’t awaken from their WOKE stupor, they will become a thing of the past. They are already on their way.

  2. Who would ever have thought mental illness would be celebrated the way it is in the LGBTQ+ community……God have mercy on them.

  3. I find it absolutely hilarious that Hollywood finds it offensive to a white male to act in a role of a Black, Hispanic, Native American, or Asian, but have no problem with a white male acting in a role as a woman.

    Perhaps the Hollywood crowd should think about not being so bigoted and racist. They really are horrible sub-humans.

    As with all things the Elites do this is more sick perverted hypocrisy. Despite what they think none of them are bright people.

  4. Hollyweird continues to strike out. This movie sounds dreadful. Thankfully, I won’t be wasting my money on this, or any other ridiculous misadventures from Hollyweird. I stopped going to see movies years ago.

  5. All trans and LGBTQ will regret their actions and stances when they stand before the Lord. Keep it in mind all you children in Holywierd. Your time is coming, sooner than you think.

  6. Pedowood’s lecturing us to elect their D.E.I. darling didn’t work out for them.
    Their threats to drink DRANO (Bette Midler), light themselves on fire (Meathead) and to leave America (BABS, Ellen Degenerate and Cher) didn’t work either.

    I for one, wouldn’t watch the Oscars “reach arounds” if ya paid me.


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