If it weren’t for the fact that the people who work at Tesla are getting financially hurt, the left’s hypocrisy would be laughable. 2 years ago the dummycrats looked at Tesla as a sure way to put GM, Ford, Chrysler, and all other makers of fossil fueled vehicles out of business, ignoring the fact that those companies have UNION workers employed there. Now the Marxist stupid dummycrats are driving the dreaded SUVs instead of Teslas. The lunacy of these dummycrats is comical.
If it weren’t for the fact that the people who work at Tesla are getting financially hurt, the left’s hypocrisy would be laughable. 2 years ago the dummycrats looked at Tesla as a sure way to put GM, Ford, Chrysler, and all other makers of fossil fueled vehicles out of business, ignoring the fact that those companies have UNION workers employed there. Now the Marxist stupid dummycrats are driving the dreaded SUVs instead of Teslas. The lunacy of these dummycrats is comical.