Has anyone noticed that everything about him mimics B. Obama? He uses his hands the same way, his speech has the same cadence, his body language is the same. He is trying his best to step into some shoes that worked before, but he needs to be careful. They are not so popular these days and are associated with Biden. Not a good place to be. He is just another Radical Left wing card player, attempting to get over. It’s not working.
As I understand it cuckoo Kathy Hochul is going to Jeffries for advice. It’s the blind leading the blind. Duh, Jeffries is one of the last people anyone would go to for advice.
What a pathetic, loser, who voted this clown in? What a terrible mistake. lol
Who voted him in are the dummycrats who are themselves pathetic losers.
You got the right, the ones that voted him in are clearly traitors that hate America!
Too many big words in the question, and he’s stoned again, time for munchies and he knows kamala likes doritos…🤣
can’t wait to see him voted out of office, he is such a LOOSER
Has anyone noticed that everything about him mimics B. Obama? He uses his hands the same way, his speech has the same cadence, his body language is the same. He is trying his best to step into some shoes that worked before, but he needs to be careful. They are not so popular these days and are associated with Biden. Not a good place to be. He is just another Radical Left wing card player, attempting to get over. It’s not working.
As I understand it cuckoo Kathy Hochul is going to Jeffries for advice. It’s the blind leading the blind. Duh, Jeffries is one of the last people anyone would go to for advice.
Jeffries is trying to emulate Obummer? Obummer had a certain amount of charm and charisma. He had the gift of gab. Jeffries doesn’t.