Grieving mother puts CNN host IN HER PLACE: Stop playing politics with my son!



This reporter is being highly disrespectful to this lady who lost her son.

The Gold Star families wanted President Trump there. Nufg said.


  1. How embarrassing is it for Trump lately? First, absolutely crushed by Harris, and then told by Vance that he made up the “eating pets” story that made Trump look like a senile babbling fool on television. Even the Republicans are rolling their eyes and wondering what to do with the old demented fool now. Wait another 4-8 years and come up with someone the voters actually respect?

    • Trump was not crushed by Harris. It was a 3:1 debate with no fact checking on Kamala’s lies. I am assuming you are not keeping up with the issues in Springdale. The Biden-Harris certainly hasn’t been concerned with any of their issues. Trump & Vance are at least listening to them & that is more than the democrats. They are too busy destroying cities & towns. Someone is wearing egg on their face but I believe that face has on makeup.

      • Uhhh, Linda Smith, Trump got all the fact checking as he lied so much. If you disagree, please point us to your news sources.

        You might want to take a look at Trump’s face with the terrible orange makeup. I don’t understand why he can’t hire a better makeup person.

  2. Trump is such a useless POS. He has lost the black vote, the women’s vote, and every intelligent male’s vote. Who does that leave? Even many Republicans are trying to flush the orange turd.

    • You might want to do a little fact checking before you post those comments. Blacks see through the democrat game plan & starting to see the light. Heck, he even has democrats leaving the party because they have done such a lousy job. The latest is a tried & true democrat in California who said she just can’t take it anymore

      • Linda you are correct but do yourself a favor, don’t try to explain it to democrats because they are too blind to see it. As the old saying goes” you can’t fix stupid”. In modern English it means ” You can’t fix democrats”. Don’t forget they are the very ones who founded the KKK and PP as well as had JFK murdered because he was doing his job and they did not like it. Stupid is as stupid dose.

  3. Yeah, Trump couldn’t even beat Biden last time, and Biden was the weakest candidate the Dems had ever ran. What chance does he have against Harris? He’s so consistent at losing.

  4. Trump wiped the floor with Biden. You must have seen a different debate than I did. The guy couldn’t even finish a sentence & was removed from the campaign. Oh, but he is still running the country?😂🤣🤬 Unfortunately.

  5. We do NOT want liberals (like from California) and sick, immoral people running our country in 2025.

    The 2025 President will bring in 3000+ strong, Christian conservators to support HIS next 4 years.

    We cannot have woke, lgbt@&@, like those who performed on the White House lawn, exposing his/her breast, non-Christians like those who supported DNC advertisements, opening Olympics weird people and people without souls for the next 4 years.

    Close the border and deport illegals as we cannot support them. Our country is not safe anymore. Americans need jobs and security.

    • Jstoney, my old Republican boss hired illegals super cheap with a new, fake Social Security number every year. What’s he gonna do! American citizens wouldn’t take those dangerous, low paying jobs.

    • You are so right. Our world has gone sick. Celebrating and making a holiday out of sinners. You know what, if you want to be a sinner then you be one, don’t push your sins or beliefs on others. Biden has also been selling our country out to fill his pockets. If all you dummies can complain about is Trump having an orange face, something is really really wrong with you too. Keep believing the lies

  6. b–den and harry-is murdered the 13 service men with their poor decisions and are not fit to serve the American citizens – they are snakes and demoncrat evils; they mur— women and children by permitting illegal criminals who rape and murder. they want to take our guns, they took away our economy – there is no joy except for the ELITE BIDEN & HARRIS and THIER ILK.

  7. Who is the fool that said we were better off under Trump? You mean when Trump fucked up Covid, told us to inject bleach or take horse pills? Or when businesses were closing, morgues were overfilled, companies were going bankrupt, Trump was handing out millions to fraudsters while he himself funneled hundreds of millions to his golf courses and hotels? Yep. Those were the days we miss. LOL!!!

      • Yes, look how many magats went to jail because of Trump’s lies about a stolen election. Plus, the orange turd sucked a ton of donations out of the other suckers. They must have been born stupid to swallow the bullshit Trump feeds them.

      • Uh oh, if liberals end up in prison for a January 6 insurrection they had nothing to do with, then we have fallen for the would-be dictator (like communist Putin) who is convincing YOU to vote for HIM so HE doesn’t wind up in prison for fomenting an insurrection.

        Hmmm, I wonder how bad trump’s sentence will be if he isn’t elected?

  8. How can anyone expect a clueless buffoon like Trump, with 20 failed businesses and 6 bankruptcies to lead the country? That’s insane. Especially after his disastrous first term. There were so many good reasons why Americans dumped him ASAP. And now, with his early dementia, he babbles on like a senile old fool instead of coming up with any sound policies. He is an embarrassment to America, and remains the laughingstock of the world.

  9. Sammy baby the laughing stocks of America are Obama, the Kenyan, Biden, Clinton, Harris and those just like you who refuse to see the truth. All the above are traitors by definition. Wake up.


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