George Clooney Faces HILARIOUS BACKLASH He Did NOT See Coming!



I dont care for Movie actors much anymore

Thank you George Clooney for helping the best man for our country to win. TRUMP 2024 ! ! !


  1. These worthless people live in the world of make believe and have no idea of what reality is. The slightest thing that upsets their fantasyland makes them go completely nuts and they blame the common working people, who purchase the tickets to watch the movies. Boycott movies!

  2. We laughed at all of the dweebs who listened to Pedowood’s lecturing parrots.
    Turns out Pedowood’s king scolder, George Looney, just MAGA!!

    Thanx Looney!

  3. Thank you George Clooney you set up Trump for an easy victory over a unproven candidate she never ran on top of a ticket in a primary election let alone a general election. George your awesome way to go.TRUMP 2024!!!

  4. Cloony/Hollywood is so far out of touch with the American people. His best move would to be the Scarecrow in the movie OZ. Hollywould does not have a brain. they are Actors and just dont know how to live without their Millions. Hollywood the Clueless Nation.

  5. From now on I won’t go to the Movies and pay to see these horrible loser Hollywood so-called actors. Who do they think they are? most of them have never been ‘educated’. What right do actors have involving themselves in politics. Trump winning has really backfired on them!
    Hope their future is a giant flop.

    • spend some “special” time with your family, instead of funding perverts to assault your family or other families in Amerika. DON’T disgrace your race. I will not disgrace mine. get off of the stupid, brainwashing mu-sick too

  6. Something just doesn’t sit right. Today’s Democrats, without a doubt, are very deceptive, deceitful and evil, but they are not stupid. It seems odd that they would be so foolish ass to make this kind of mistake. It makes me wonder if this really is just another stage of a uni party game being played on the American people and they are playing from both sides of the table. It seems as if the other side of the board has been set. I guess we shall see.

    • the DIMs are stupid. Even dumber are the ones fooled by them. Don’t get me started on the cowards, that have a 2nd amendment, but lack a backbone or a good pair of gonads between their legs… NO my deceived slave, YOU are NOT free in Amerika. you can’t prove it, when you pay taxes for “permission” to live here or do anything else….

  7. What’s a George Clooney? Every time I sit on the toilet I download a George Clooney. I know it stinks but just pull the lever and watch George Clooney swirl down the toilet… with all that butt wipe.

    Oh, the alleged actor “George Clooney” has the intellect of a mature cucumber. WHAT A LOSER! Do everyone a favor, George Clooney, and PISS OFF – “A”HOLE!

  8. INTELLIGENCE ? I can and will not insult intelligence – I might although question to what end or purpose is inteligence measured and or used . As per Mr. Clooney : I have always admired his capabilities as an actor and will not shy away from the proper respect avowed to such an entertainer of the many. I shall although make instance as to the nature or cause that has led Mr. Clooney to become a political credulant. If the good Lord made you what you have succeeded in being – I say ” Why go any other way ” ??? It would seem that many have surmized and become somewhat convinced that YOU are the cause of Mrs. Kamala Harris’s defeat in the political arena and race for the USA presidency. Not being able to read other people’s interests or minds : I say let us hope well for the oncoming change of venue in favor of this once : ( U N I T E D ) STATES OF AMERICA .

  9. The last time I went to a movie was ā€œSaving Pvt Ryanā€. My 3 uncles landed with 29th Division at Omaha Beach. They came home. My dadā€™s brother was killed in Jan 1944 with 5th Marines.
    I would like to THANK George Clooney for his service in ā€œMONUMENTā€™s MENā€ and glad he made it home okay. LOL! No, I thank him for helping to keep Kamilla out of the Oval Office. This horrible hyena would have been worse than Bribem! And Obama is the one that was scuttling it anyway. All of them belong in Leavenworth.


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