Gavin Newsom VETOES Reparations Bill After GOING OFF On Black Activists Protesting Against Democrats



Your ancestors are disappointed, but not for the reason you think

Kamala Harris’s family would owe reparations


    • It would be waste. We did no crime and deserve no punishment through taxation. It is theft. This reparations would be a nightmare, or more like just a huge giveaway where lots of money would be given to people just because of their race. I imagine they would even give it to illegal Haitians

  1. The DEMOCRAT NATIONAL COMMITTEE owes reparations, THEY fought to keep slaves, THEY fought to keep Black kids out of white schools, by siccing German shepherds on them, and shooting them with fire hoses, THEY FORMED THE FREAKIN KKK, WITH A MEMBER, ROBERT BYRD AS DEMOCRAT SENATOR, AND A GRAND CYCLOPS, HILLARY CLINTON CLAIMED HIM AS A MENTOR… Sorry for yelling, but if you’re a black democrat, YOU are the new Uncle Tom, and ID your ancestors were slaves, I’m sure they hate you, think about DAT.

    • Yes, funny how the racist party is now the Republicans. Things changed. Trump and his “good people in the neo-nazis” and his Proud Boys standing by.

  2. I’d rather give reparations to the descendants of slaves, than to the illegals flooding over our borders. Newscum doesn’t have the taxpayers money to pay reparations.

  3. I am black, and although history has had many terrible times, you have to be a little dense to think we now should pay for past wrongs like taking land from the Indians and Mexicans. Should the Germans now pay the Jews? Should everyone whose ancestor had a bad time get money now? Better give your head a shake!

    • How about the Chinese, the French, the Japanese, the American that invaded Vietnam over the years; killed millions of innocent’s people; destroyed their lives, their properties? Should they held accountable for their evil actions?

  4. All the hard working American taxpayers are slaves to god and his globalists and his demonrat criminal party and rino criminal party that continue to tax the hell out of us and then spend and waste and steal all of our tax dollars, we are the ones who she receive the reparations for being slaves, not the globalist puppet god worshiping demonrat voters who choose to collect welfare all their life .

  5. To all my fellow brothers and sisters, African Americans, Asian, Hispanic, before you vote, find out who started the KKK, Even hung Blacks if they didn’t vote democrat. Do a “History” fact check, you’ll see that the democratic party just lies, lies, lies to get your vote and yet repeatedly do nothing for you

  6. Actually the Dems are repairing the country after Trump fucked everything up so bad. If Trump had done any good, the majority of Americans wouldn’t have flushed the orange turd ASAP, would they? He was a useless twat, and is now a ranting lunatic without any policies. Keep flushing!


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