The only MSM “news” I get is from headlines and forums such as this. It’s always false news. I’m not sure if they even know how to tell the truth anymore. The lies have become a way of life. The only way to stop them is to continue to sue the shit out of them over and over. Their ratings have tanked and their money is drying up. They could redeem themselves and turn over a new leaf but they choose not to. They’re no better than a tabloid magazine. Bye bye MSM.
That sorry liberal person, who knelt for blm, should be deported. Try that garbage with me and they’ll be eating their own microphone. “These people are fu##ing clowns.” That’s the nicest thing he could say about them.
Knew it was just a matter of time. Then the MSM wonders why their crappy news shows are on the endangered species list.
The only MSM “news” I get is from headlines and forums such as this. It’s always false news. I’m not sure if they even know how to tell the truth anymore. The lies have become a way of life. The only way to stop them is to continue to sue the shit out of them over and over. Their ratings have tanked and their money is drying up. They could redeem themselves and turn over a new leaf but they choose not to. They’re no better than a tabloid magazine. Bye bye MSM.
the socialist will only “go away quietly” if you use a suppressor (or hang them).
That sorry liberal person, who knelt for blm, should be deported. Try that garbage with me and they’ll be eating their own microphone. “These people are fu##ing clowns.” That’s the nicest thing he could say about them.
Grandmothers with cameras are not a paramilitary force- so ridiculous and untrue