EXPOSED: Kamala CAUGHT Using Teleprompter Town Hall?! | Audience Recites SCRIPTED Answers ON CAMERA?



How did this person pass the Bar, let alone get through Law School?

Harris is so phony and a liar. I can’t stand her anymore. My vote goes to Trump 2024.


  1. I said they were going to have Kamala Harris wear an ear piece for the debate. I can’t believe I saw a video of Obama talking about an ear piece and answers being delivered through it. He longs for a 3rd term as president. I knew it and he just won’t go away. He ruined our country with woke and BLM. All lives matter!

  2. K. Harris did not pass the Bar. Twice. Someone else got to take the Bar for her third time. Alameda County DA terminated her services. She used what skills she has to get two state committee appointments from one of her “clients”, aka Willie, which paid her $442,000. Willie begged Terry Hallinan to hire her at the San Francisco District Attorney’s office, and all she did is collect lies to use against Terry when she ran against him for DA. She got millions from the Roman Catholics by releasing from prosecution their child raping priests. She got millions from Planned Parenthood for seizing the videos taken of PP admitting that they were selling fetal body parts for lots of bucks. She got millions from the 7th Day Adventists for handing them $100 Million dollar hospitals for FREE. And, on and on and on, including “services” she rendered to anyone who could help her in any way.

    • Where’s Terry Hallinan? I hope he hasn’t been Arkansided! Maybe he needs to tell his story – time is short. Others from her sordid past need to come forward also and tell their story. I imagine Hallinan wouldn’t want to see Kamala as President. I’ve heard most of what you said but I didn’t hear Hallinan by name. I also had heard that Kamala failed her first bar exam and someone took the second one for her. I didn’t hear about a third one though I’m not surprised. Everyone knew about Willie. It really wasn’t a secret. She will do whatever it takes to get ahead. We need to do whatever it takes to keep her (Obama) from the WH at the ballot box. Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  3. What’s really pathetic is that incoherent Trump can’t finish a sentence without lying, bragging or insulting someone. What a clueless POS the demented old fool turned out to be. LOL!! No wonder the majority of Americans quickly flushed the orange turd after one term too many.

    • I guess all of you Obama, Clinton, Obiden, Kamala, Walz cult followers get your cue cards from the same bucket. Your rhetoric is all the same. Specifically, just what lies did Trump tell? Not the lies that Kamala, et al have told about the lies that Trump told. I mean the lies that came out of his mouth that are proven lies. I bet you could be fact-checked in a heartbeat. Now, the lies that your heroes have told…. They’re still at it as we speak. They don’t know how to stop because they no longer know what the truth is. They want you sheeples to follow obediently because they are your new messiahs. Have some more Kool-Aid.

    • You had your dementia president (Joey) who couldn’t complete a sentence. And now you’re voting for someone who can’t talk without a teleprompter. Another mindless.

  4. You don’t want her to become president she will tear this country apart and all of the democrats will wonder why the hell did I vote for her. Obama admitted he wanted someone who he can tell what to do in other words the democrats are voting for a puppet! I’d rather have President Trump when he was in office there were no wars, inflation was down, we were doing good. I don’t won’t her to get it cause I don’t want to hear any democrats bellyaching about all the negative things that she will do. Like free speech, our rights to have guns etc. She wants to be in control with Tampon Tim no Obama wants to be in control again. Please do your research. If I didn’t think Trump was good I wouldn’t vote at all but I know he is. I want all illegals gone if they want in this country they will do the same thing and go thru the proper channels like my mother in law did and she knows more about this country than most Americans do, the only thing illegals know is how to rob, steal and kill and guess what they don’t go to jail!!!

  5. Imbecile Trump’s term was so bad that he added $8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt, and had to waste a couple trillion on stimulus payments to stop businesses from going bankrupt. How is that “the best years?” LOL!! The clueless buffoon was total incompetent and ignorant about economics and foreign affairs. That’s why the orange turd was rated worst president in history.

    • Incompetent and ignorant? Talking about yourself? You claim to be an economist…. I seriously doubt that.
      If you were, you’d have a wee bit more intelligence and be checking your statements a bit better. Leftist moron.


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