That Adoption agency SHOULD BE CHARGED!!!
I find it disturbing that we don’t see this story at all on the mainstream media…ABC, NBC, CBS etc.
That Adoption agency SHOULD BE CHARGED!!!
I find it disturbing that we don’t see this story at all on the mainstream media…ABC, NBC, CBS etc.
Why are those responsible for making this possible left in place without charges? Why do you think no one trusts the government any more. CPS has failed to do their jobs for decades. Bribes work. We have a society of demented and immoral persons who get what they want and harm the most innocent. If these two men were found guilty by a jury of their peers, then they deserve their sentence. May they receive Hell inside. They’ll have all the sex they could ever want, but they will be protected from those who would give them Hell. Men like these are housed in their own prisons and prison units. Why can’t homosexuals stop harming children? Homosexuals who refuse to prevent this kind of abuse need to be called out, identified and banished.
Agreed, Susan Reed!
Biology? Common sense? That’s crazy talk. I’m sure these two molesters voted for Diddycrats. Birds of a feather. The people who allowed these degenerates to adopt children, should be investigated. Diddycrats hate children. They either want them snuffed out before being born, have genitals removed to change their sex, or allow deviants to adopt them. Sick people.
This is why God said in Exodus that queer acts are disgusting and queers should be put to death, by stoning. These two fags sure showed God is right, again. These 2 queers are going to be the new meat on the cell block.