Even HOLLYWOOD is SHOCKED by What Barack Obama Just Did…



I have a VERY low opinion of Barry. NOW I have a very low opinion of Jennifer.

Aniston is scraping the bottom of the barrel


    • Mike’s not politically necessary anymore. He’s also not necessary for her “image” anymore. Their rent-a-kids are off on their own now so the whole charade is no longer necessary. The thing that bothers me now is the tabloids about all of their new love lives will be never-ending, like a new toy – we don’t care!!!

      • It’s amazing how many years they kept the charade going. They really should be up for an Oscar each for their performance. Not that it was all that convincing, but they certainly persevered. That’s more than most of Hollywood could do.

  1. Jennifer are you taking/ingesting/shooting up crack cocaine? This is the only explanation for your stupidity.Rehab darlin’ asap!
    Ask him about his EX chef! How he suddenly drowned when he admitted that he was to do an expose’ on the obama’s. Be afraid

  2. Jennifer, tell me it isn’t so, u would never stupe that low, do u think obuthead is up your alley, or what? Sorry I shouldn’t of said that, I really liked u. but

  3. I guess Aniston has a thing for gays, which is certainly her choice to make. I hope it works out well for them. Maybe Obama will become a bit less resentful of the white race now (although I doubt it). On the other hand, Big Mike must be ready to explode, and must REALLY not be proud of his/her country at this point.

  4. That photo makes her look like she belongs on a pancake box. Jen know Barry swings both way right? One thing for sure,if Big Mike comes looking for her , Aniston will need a great big bodyguard. Mooshelle will pick Barack up and throw his skinny ass down the stairs.

  5. Is all this really true or just a bunch of hogwash? I was never a fan of Aniston nor did I ever accept Obama as president. But this suposedly scandal does not sound right. It is a travesty to start a rumor that woould hurt the futures of innocent people.


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