Schmuckerberg trying to save his ass because he doesn’t want to go to jail.
This would not have happened had Trump lost the election.
Schmuckerberg trying to save his ass because he doesn’t want to go to jail.
This would not have happened had Trump lost the election.
The so-called “Fact Checkers” were all Liars. No one has been held accountable for all the Lies. Big Insurance and Big Pharma continue to make fantastic profits, and they use their money to buy medical doctors and hospitals, forcing them to do only what they are told they can do and say only what they are told they can say. Ironic that hospitals and medical doctors are merely puppets, bought and paid for. Hospitals got $39,000 minimum every time they put some poor patient on a ventilator. Hospitals get 10 times market value for experimental drugs that cause patients to bleed out 4 pints of blood. Rewarded for killing people is the American way. Allowed to fire any healthy person who refused to get Vaxxed.
When 51 so-called intelligence officers sign a writing falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, and get away with it, you know there’s not one honest person in America. I was given a VAX in 1985 that killed 500 people the week I got it. It doubled the size of my heart and destroyed 2 of my heart valves. I was put on the heart transplant list. I chose to take myself off the list, and I worked for a year to heal. Because of all the deaths from VAXXing, our dirty, filthy Congress gave absolute immunity to Big Pharma in 1986. I am so tired of the filthy money grubbers in Congress who not only take the hundreds of millions of dollars of bribes, but give immunity to dirty, filthy companies. Despicable. This is what defines America.
Gov. doesn’t lose his job for killing thousands of HIS citizens with covid, OH NO… he was booted for “touching women” ? This is how screwed up socialist Amerika is. The republic will NOT be restored by itself or by playing “patty cake” with the communist that we are FORCED to pay for. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo. Make men and states FREE & sovereign again. Liberty or death. Christ or chaos. slaves to the Den of Corruption NO MORE
In 1970, I worked for 6 months at the Napa State Mental Hospital with autistic children. At that time, autism was striking 1 in 23,000 children. Today it is 1 in 23 children. There are so many autistic persons, they feel proud of their “condition”, a condition they got from unhealthy VAXXs, micro plastics, toxic chemicals and GMO–genetically modified food!!!!! Yes, 23% of that commercial pork/ham/pig/bacon you are eating is human DNA. Chem trails are spewed all over our skies 80% of the time, and we are all breathing in all that toxic crap. No one asked any of us if we want to be poisoned and sickened, but Big Medical, hospitals, Big Pharma, Big Insurance and the medical sector have grown into vast, massive economic sectors pushing disease, ill health and death for profit. RFK, Jr. is the first health care expert who is not 100% owned by Big Pharma, et al. Even Dr. Redfield felt sufficiently shamed to come out a few weeks ago and admit just how devastating to Americans were the covid-19 Agenda and its VAX forced down the throats of millions.
this must be a foul mouth yankee. Has a picture of our first tyrant, atheist, racist and two faced liar for an example of the socialism we so enjoy today? stay in your blue state of confusion. YES I fly my Confederate AND St. Andrews cross flags with pride.
The way the dummycrats are running their states into the ground, or burning the state to the ground, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the South rise again. The borders won’t be the same as they were in 1860. Many former yankee states would join the South. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM!!!