I totally agree with you. Elon is the embodiment of an American Patriot. He risked EVERYTHING multiple times and put himself out there for the greater good. An incredible man who will go down in history. Just an amazing person who has donated and sacrificed more than I think we will ever know.
More and Too Much More of This World of the MUSK shit for the Whole World and AMERICAN Readers Who Have a Problem With Their WANTING to TRY TO MAKE MUSKy THROW UP AND MAKE THEM ALL HAPPY and Finally FEEL FREE of This Madness and The CRAZY Chaos of the Day and The Future via The MUSKY of the Future
Elon bought Twitter and made it a bastion of free speech.
Then Elon joined Joe Rogan and they woke America’s men up to the left’s plan to use illegal alien voters to destroy our election system.
Watch the podcast! Wake up!
I totally agree with you. Elon is the embodiment of an American Patriot. He risked EVERYTHING multiple times and put himself out there for the greater good. An incredible man who will go down in history. Just an amazing person who has donated and sacrificed more than I think we will ever know.
More and Too Much More of This World
of the MUSK shit 

for the Whole World and AMERICAN
Readers Who Have a Problem With Their WANTING to TRY TO MAKE MUSKy THROW UP
and Finally FEEL FREE of This Madness and The CRAZY
Chaos of the Day and The Future via The MUSKY of the Future 

jag, is there a charity that helps people like you? Let me know so I can contribute!!
Jag you’re a FAG. STFU.
Well Well Jagoff looks like that rock you crawled out from under just fell on your brainless BYE BYE
Why can’t we be civil with one another? Guess these guys posting hateful comments hate themselves. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT enlighten these hateful people.