Elon Musk makes BOMBSHELL FIND on LA Wildfires



What happened in LA is not incompetence it is deliberate.

The democrats constant negligence isn’t because of incompetence. It’s intentional.


    • Doesn’t jackass-in-chief have to get Congressional approval for his never-ending “donations” to Ukraine? If so, who all has approved it? ANY Republicans?

  1. The LA regional management ans planning team of democrats has a plan for redeveloping LA per their own vision. the fire is just cleaning out the individually owned homes to make way for the democrats planned future.

    Remember when newson “lost” 22 billion dollars two years ago? well guess what that 22 billion is buy up the burned out properties now.

    You vote for democrats you get democrat socialist/communist results. Live with it suckers.

    Guess why trump is saying you will not be getting bail out money from the feds? Trump knows newsom, and the rest of the snakes, have a plan and inappropriately using fed money is part of the plan.

  2. Newscum won’t resign. He’s too arrogant, narcissistic and sociopathic. Besides, it’s not his fault. It’s Trump’s fault. Trump knocked 4 dams down. Trump refused to fill the reservoirs. Trump allowed the water to flow into the Pacific Ocean. Trump cut the funds to the fire dept. (I’m being facetious).

  3. We need to form a militia. Yeah, I know.. the CIA, the FBI are probably monitoring me, as they have nothing better to do. But we need to go “French Revolution” on the wealthy, bureaucrat criminals who are parasites, bleeding us dry. They have only themselves to think about and do so, by f -king anyone and everyone over, to their benefit. Let us eat cake? When we have no bread, as Marie Antoinette said about the middle-class rabble in France. Look what it got her and her ilk. We need to fight for ourselves, as we have been used, abused and lied to for decades while they jet around the globe, to inaugurations of African countries, take workshops in Paris, on bullshit… WE are the NEW SLAVES to the elite…. Wake the hell up!!!!!!!!


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