Elon Musk Just Dropped A Game-Changing Election Announcement



The petition is for free speech, not vote for Trump. Not interference

Elon should offer $1M for any person to whistleblow on fraud


  1. Giving illegals driver`s licenses. Making marijuana legal. This isn`t messing with the elections. Canceling student debt with taxpayer money. This isn`t messing with the way people vote. I`m ready for war. Obama started this divide and he should be used to plug up the hole. In past years former presidents didn`t comment on the presidential elections.

  2. Except for tax cuts, I don’t understand what Elon sees in Trump. It’s certainly not any accomplishments. He proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology, or running the country. Probably the dumbest politician I’ve seen in over 50 years.

      • Nibor – yeah, the other things trump spoke about are pretty scary according to trump’s former chief of staff, 4-star Marine General Kelly who is no squish.

        Vote Harris/Walz to keep America from electing a fascist.

    • WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU SEE IN THE THUGS IN THE BIG HOUSE!! You people are soooo stupid..fake news murder rape cities being looted bulidings being taking over by gangs little girls raped and murder..these are all facts wake up get off you uneducated ass and do the research! the good dems are all jumping ship because they no this new leftist party is beyond!

  3. Thank god for all you women voters who see Trump for the corrupt disgusting piece of trash he really is. He has no redeeming qualities. Flush the orange turd again.

  4. Pat – nice language for a 13 year old.

    Women have wised up to what trump will do to them if he gets back into office. You really think he wouldn’t sign a national abortion ban if his handlers want him to?

    I would NOT count on that landslide.


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