Elon Musk DESTROYS Mark Cuban in the Most HILARIOUS Way Possible!



Mark Cuban is, and always has been, a massive tool.

I don’t want Cuban anywhere near our freedom of speech!


  1. Hey Christians, I’m sure God supports a POS who has had 3 wives, cheats on every one of them, bangs porn stars, is a felon convicted of sexual assault, and then tells his sheep he is a good Christian. Such good moral character! Oh wait, God did make sure the orange turd got flushed after one term. Praise the Lord!

  2. mark cuban tries to buy “X” ?, sorry buddy ya’ ain’t got enough money !
    mark cuban tries to buy fox ? , sorry buddy ya’ ain’t got enough money !
    mark cuban tries to buy relevence ?, sorry buddy ya’ ain’t got enough money !
    The rainbow bubble gum stuff, is over there markie !

  3. Mark Cuban, zero relevance and zero intelligence! Go away…No one is listening or caring what you have to say…when you THINK you have relevance it’s only because you pat your self on the back too much!

  4. It is always amazing how many brainless lemmings there are who don’t question anything the liberals say or do and are perfectly happy being their mouth piece. If Kamala could she would take M. Cuban’s money, Taylor Swift’s money, and give it all to illegals. OVER 140 DEMOCRATS VOTED AGAINST DEPORTATION OF ILLEGAL RAPIST AND CHILD ABUSERS !!! And these are the people you want in office? Mark and Taylor only care about themselves. Elon is actually doing something to help society. Nobody is perfect but I admire brave people who speak out even if what they say goes against the lies Dems spew daily. By doing so Trump has lost millions. Elon has paid billions. True patriots. Thank you Elon for giving us back free speech. Zuckerberg is a coward and sellout. And yes Cuban = 💩

  5. I was taught that if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all. So I have nothing to say about Cuban except that he’s not worth the effort.

  6. If everyone would just listen to what the candidates want to do to make life better for Americans and vote for the one who really puts us first, that is the right thing to do. Dems/Socialists want to take away our rights and let anybody cross the border. Our money is going to illegals and what do we get? Problems and no help for Americans. They are killing our people and getting slapped on the wrist but no prison time. They should all be deported so we can retake our country. They are making us a marxist country so open your damn ears and really listen. If you are a Dem and you want to jump ship this time, do it. Maybe their leaders later will care about America.


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