Elizabeth Warren Almost Crying Over Department Of Education On Live TV



This woman is a nut case. She should be working at Target somewhere.

Yeah it’s about politics. Not about our last place in education.


  1. What do all of these people have to do with Federal bureaucracy Warren? When the pandemic hit you sent the kids home. You were given 14 billion dollars. It`s all gone and no one seems to know what you did with it. You`re a bunch of forking thieves.

  2. If the fake Indian is crying, it’s because she was one of the dummycrats siphoning money out the DOE into her pocketbook. Now she’ll go from being a multimillionaire to being just a plain old millionaire. How terrible.

  3. Complainer. If the bureaucrats and politicians would do something good, they wouldn’t have time to complain. Oh my gosh, the sky is falling. I am not the center of attention. But. Butt. But. Butt. It’s all Trump’s fault. It’s Elon’s fault. No way it’s my fault. How can you ruin my day. The typical attitudes from these nobody’s. Inaction leads to this.

  4. As a parent of a special needs child I know the Horror of fighting the feds when it comes to support for a child. The state wanter to help but the fed fought back. This is why we need to bring it all back to the state where we have more say over what is going on in our children’s lives.

  5. So where was she WHEN parent where told they did not run the school but the Government did and sit down and shut up Teacher Union know much more what kid need and there Parent And yes this WAS done

  6. SHE’S crying because, this is the area funded by our government that HER portion of the slush fund comes from. 😆😆🤣

  7. our schools were in 1st place in the world then our government took over, went to last place. if the government would have stayed away would have been in 1st place and our young people would have been better off today.

    • Good point Buddy. When I was in high school we had a seventh grader come over from Germany and enter our school. They tested him to see where he was best suited and educated. He was accepted as a junior and was a grade A student for his two years. He was also a star on our foot ball team. We once where number 1 but not any more. May be if we taught reading, writing and math as well as civics we might get back to number one. Wont happen teaching woke, trans and kids rule not parents.

  8. …but, but, but they’re not done brainwashing and indoctrinating our children. This will go away once we go back to a normal school system with no DEI hires and sickos.

  9. That’s right, follow the money and you find her and every dishonest dummy rat crying right now. They could care less about our kids.

  10. Our children are failing. You don’t keep doing things that don’t work! What part of that don’t you get? That is why Trump is making changes. How about downsizing the schools’ admin. to start with. They’re a bloated department.


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