Doubt if shitpants Joe could’ve won but he might not have gotten beat so bad. The entire dummycrat party needs to realize that this is NOT a Marxist country, even though some states are darn close to it like the states that Sore Throat Kamala did win.
… and now she’ll be on even more sh*t lists from her own party. Her campaign has lost over $20million out of over $1billion donated and the campaign workers haven’t been paid yet. What all did they do with that much money? Celebs were paid outrageous amounts of money. Beyonce only read a scripted note for 4 minutes and left. She never sang. Oprah was paid $1 million. Lots of pissed supporters. You would think that the celebs, who are such avid supporters of the Dem party, would have donated their time for the cause. That still doesn’t account for what’s missing.The Dems are notoriously known for wasting money. They are outrageously greedy and not the party of the working class people that they try to portray. Great for the conservative party.
KJP, “Didn’t you see them together yesterday, not caring about the 13 service members they murdered in Afghanistan”? This entire administration is disgusting.
I HOPE TO GOD I never have to see Kamala again! AND Pelosi, and the Clintons, and the Bidens, and Jean Pierre, and Shummer, and . . .
FOX – PLEASE stop showing them !
Doubt if shitpants Joe could’ve won but he might not have gotten beat so bad. The entire dummycrat party needs to realize that this is NOT a Marxist country, even though some states are darn close to it like the states that Sore Throat Kamala did win.
… and now she’ll be on even more sh*t lists from her own party. Her campaign has lost over $20million out of over $1billion donated and the campaign workers haven’t been paid yet. What all did they do with that much money? Celebs were paid outrageous amounts of money. Beyonce only read a scripted note for 4 minutes and left. She never sang. Oprah was paid $1 million. Lots of pissed supporters. You would think that the celebs, who are such avid supporters of the Dem party, would have donated their time for the cause. That still doesn’t account for what’s missing.The Dems are notoriously known for wasting money. They are outrageously greedy and not the party of the working class people that they try to portray. Great for the conservative party.
Notice how these celebs are big time Marxist until they have to do anything for free, then they go extremist capitalist.
I LOVE this response!
KJP, “Didn’t you see them together yesterday, not caring about the 13 service members they murdered in Afghanistan”? This entire administration is disgusting.
I think if we dig a tad deeper we would be SHOCKED at where the money went . . . and PROABLY ILLEGAL – JAIL time! Just sayin’.
I HOPE TO GOD I never have to see Kamala again! AND Pelosi, and the Clintons, and the Bidens, and Jean Pierre, and Shummer, and . . .
FOX – PLEASE stop showing them !
You spelled The Clantons wrong!
TRUMP . . . PLEASE don’t pardon Hunter Biden ! He’s corrupt and so is his daddy!
Raggedy Ho Doll get one for Christmas. Stick pins in it (Voodoo)