Disgusting California Wildfire Looters Posted on Twitter and TikTok!?



In 2014 there voted to spend 7.5 billion on new water storage systems like dams and reservoirs and not 1 was built but I bet the money is gone

Hmmm, I thought stealing was allowed in the People’s Republic of California…


  1. It’s disgusting but what does everyone expect? California legalized theft up to $1000. Now the mayor tells the police to arrest anyone caught looting? The thieves are just following the law as long as they keep their theft under $1000 per location. With the thorough burn down of LA, I doubt if there’s even a $100 worth of stuff to steal, well within the $1000 law. LOL!!!!!

  2. Is that $1000 per house? What happened to looters being shot on sight if they were caught looting during a disaster? It was a long time ago and might have been an informal law but it should be reinstated. It certainly would give them pause for thought before taking what treasures and momentos the victims had left of their memories. Most of it might be something personal that means absolutely nothing to a thug.

    • How can you shoot looters on site when anti 2nd amendment California is slowly taking away everyone’s guns? In my state the looters would be more safe with the police than the property owners.

  3. Some bleeding hearts said, “maybe they were evacuating like they were told”.

    If so, where are the cars or vans taking them away?

    These pictures do harm to the honest, hard-working, Conservative Blacks like the two brothers hosting the video and this blog.

  4. The mastodon in the room……

    “A.B.C. NEWS ..’The men who launched al Qaeda’s English-language magazine may have died in a U.S. missile strike last fall, but “Inspire” magazine lives on without them — and continues to promote jihadi attacks on Western targets, offering detailed advice on how to start huge forest fires in America with timed explosives and how to build remote-controlled bombs.”

    WASHINGTON EXAMINER-“In July 2012, former National Security Agency official and Aviation Week editor William Scott delivered an American Center for Democracy presentation on “Fire Wars” with a detailed discussion of how terrorists use fire as a weapon of war. “Perhaps the most simple form of economic warfare is wild land arson,” Scott told a panel. “For any terrorists that are determined to inflict significant damage with very little investment or risk, fire is an extremely high-leverage weapon of mass effect.” Scott said that Navy SEALs found documents after capturing Osama bin Laden that revealed a plot to set fires in America. “U.S. officials have pretty much determined that some of the fires that burned in California [in 2011] were ignited by al Qaeda operatives,” Scott said.”

  5. It appears that most of the commenters here were more eager to leave their uninformed comments than to actually watch the video – I guess that’s what the combination of arrogance and short attention span results in. For those of you who couldn’t be bothered to watch the actual video, this was NOT a looting incident – these folks were moving their OWN possessions out of the house. You should all re-direct your anger towards the leftist California government (led by a white “man”, by the way) as the real criminal behind all of this devastation. Looting is certainly a despicable act, but the level of government corruption and theft makes it pale in comparison.


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