DERANGED Liberal White Woman LOSES HER MIND Over Black Trump Supporter REFUSING To Support Kamala!



Malcolm X warned us about the so called liberals

MAGA women are attractive. Liberal women, not so much


  1. “MAGA women are attractive. Liberal women, not so much.” I totally agree. The liberals have the same deranged hateful looks on their faces. The same crazed eyes and the same snarling mouths. They’re clones of each other. It’s also the same with the men. Just look at their eyes – all the same. The snarl is also the same when they’re spewing their hatred. It’s kinda like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

    • I totally agree. There is no such thing as a happy liberal. They’re hyper-focused on the negative at all times and surround themselves with like-minded individuals. The only thing that gives them satisfaction is when they’re marching with their fellow malcontents in protest over some perceived injustice, screaming and waving their signs. All of them are very social creatures, meaning that they can’t possibly survive on their own as their very existence is reliant on the approval of their fellow man. This precludes any possibility of individualism – thus we see the same deranged, angry look on all of them. They fail to realize that their real demons are internal, and wouldn’t have the fortitude to confront them even if they did. It would be sad if it wasn’t for the fact that they pull all of society down with their juvenile demands and negativity.

    • Ever notice when a lying stupid Marxist liberal thinks they got the best of you they have that little shit eating grin on their face? Marxist liberals are all about “sticking it to conservatives” with lies and hate and Marxist government control.

  2. I have to admit no woman with any self-respect would support a pussy grabber convicted of sexual assault, who bangs porn stars and pays hush money, and who cheats on every wife he’s had. The man-child hates strong women. Trump supporting women must suffer from really low self-esteem. Is that the type of man they would want for their daughters? And yet the POS pretends he is a good Christian. FLUSH THE ORANGE TURD AGAIN!

    • No good Christian would ever support a candidate who advocates the killing of unborn children, period. If you’re a Harris supporter, you really have no business commenting on what constitutes a good Christian. Judging by how triggered these videos seem to make you, and how you seek all of them out to leave your very predictable anti-Trump comments, it appears that you’re the one with low self-esteem. BTW, the “orange turd” description is getting really old. Perhaps you could come up with something a little more original.

    • I know that I would not want my daughter to have anything to do with an abortion loving fiend that you! Jesus Christ said–“As you have done unto the least of them–YOU have done unto ME”. Is there any LEAST than an unborn child? You apparently attend the same type Christian (so-called) church that Camel-Toe attends.

    • You talk like some high moral person but yet you support a lying adulterer, Clinton, and an Islamic Marxist fag, Obama, and an embezzling child molesting adulterer, shitpants Joe, and a slut with a constant sore throat, Kamala. I’d say that put YOU in with the worst of them. After Nov. 6 you won’t be around because you can’t handle it when Trump wins.

  3. White liberals feel betrayed by non-white conservatives because they’ve put so much time and effort into trying to appear tolerant, and it shows them just how futile their efforts have been. Their wokeness is meant to cover up the fact that they’re among the most racist and intolerant people on earth. All it takes is a conservative non-white to bring out their true colors. They view these people as traitors – not to their own race, but rather to woke white liberalism. White supremacy exists today primarily among white liberals, and they become enraged when their efforts to manipulate other races through pandering fail them. These people are the real enemies of ALL races, and there can never be peace and prosperity for all as long as they’re allowed to control the narrative (and government). I say this as a white conservative male who has known as many white liberals in my life as white conservatives, and noticed this common theme among ALL of them.

  4. All liberals have a TDS problem, and are mentally challenged it seems, because they can’t seem to hold a common sense discussion, without flipping out. Trump is my hero, the next president of the united states, that will fix our broken country, by biden and harris.

  5. This woman looks an awful lot like the woman sitting on the blanket throwing a liberal fit when she learned that President Trump won the election. You remember? The one who kept on kicking and screaming like a five year old at the supermarket while glancing at the camera to make sure he got all.

  6. When Sarah Huckabee Sanders was rudely harassed at the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, VA, she was asked to leave by the owner. Well, well, well, the owner of the Red Hen closed its doors at the end of 2023 last year because of economic woes. It’s called payback and Sarah was blessed being elected governor of Arkansas. Thank you Lord for seeing the good in people.

    • Annie, Thanks for sharing about the Red Hen restaurant closing, serves them right when they treated Sarah Sanders so horribly. Liberal lefties are very vindictive people and the only way to stop them is to stop their bullshit.


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