Democrats Receive BAD NEWS After Humiliating Themselves During Pete Hegseth Confirmation Hearing!



These women are good examples of why to not elect Liberal women!

Democrats Receive BAD NEWS After Humiliating Themselves During Pete Hegseth Confirmation Hearing!


  1. 6 years in Marine Corps, 4 deployments, Women do not need to be in Combat units, distractions, and women give birth, it’ll be hard to take a life. Mazie sounds drunk now. Democratica’s lie, cheat and never answer the Republicans questions. and who was the director of our Nuclear program. hehehe

  2. Demonrats always boo hoo cry babies the hypocrisy they spoo climate change or try to make people think they have a high moral ground they have caused two wars spent trillions in Ukraine climate change I mean war burning California to the ground for a tiny fish all for climate change they are just hypocrites why people vote demonrat I will never understand

  3. Once again the democrat’s have demonstrated the stupid hypocritical double standard that is their entire game. The democrats are always sleazy, lying, perverted, con artist. then they grill Pete Hegseth on possibly being a little bit like them.

    Democrats are disgusting scum. can you imagine Lizardeth Warren grilling anyone on morals. Charles Manson and jeffery Dammer have more morals then Warren.

  4. These dumb bitches no nothing about the military. I remember when training co-ed ROTCs in basic infantry training and it was very funny. I remember one female candidate running up on a position, we were the enemy, shouting, “You’re my prisoner! My weapon’s jammed but you’re still my prisoner!” Then there’s the time we set up the perfect L-shaped ambush and watched those fools walk right into it. One ROTC did spot our guy at the far end and yelled, “Halt! You’re my prisoner!” Then we all opened up with our M16s on rock n roll and the M60 eating belts of ammo and throwing grenade simulators we (squad strength) wiped out the entire ROTC company. Then the Captain in charge of training those ROTCs said, “That’s really great! You take one prisoner and the whole fucking company gets wiped out!” I don’t think most females can handle real combat with real bullets. Look at their performance just going against blanks.

  5. Democrat women are the reason I will never vote for a woman to government, especially for senator, Congressperson , VP or President Democrat women are as*es


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