Democrats Blame Game Continues, With Many Focusing In On One Thing Now



It’s long past time to defund NPR and PBS for the sake of the American taxpayer.

I will never, ever forget Nancy Pelosi tearing up Trump’s speech behind his back on National TV.


  1. Newsom would have done worse. The Dana Bash group are upset they could not control the truth. I cannot watch pious know-it-all windbags anymore. Cuban doesn’t think we paid attention, but he is wrong.

  2. I voted against democracy and voted for our republic communist China is a democracy a one party democracy a democracy is communist I voted for the republic of America

    • I voted for “safety & happiness” mentioned in the Pre-Amble. LIBERTY says we should “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from evil gov’t.”. WHAT are “we” waiting for? WE only have 4 years

  3. Rebecca, you as a woman ignored all fundamentals of decent Christian upbringing to Elect a Flawed Character to occupy the white house, the most important American Symbol of Honor 🎖. You Mam and your TRUMP SUPPORTERS have no Honor, to vote for a man ,that is Clearly a convicted Felon, AND Adulter who Denegrade women, and Consider Grabbing women,s Pussies a sign of Ultimate Wealth and power. Men like Geoffrey Epstein who was Donald Trump,s pimp, ( Donald had him killed immediately in prison), EPSTEIN Supplied Donald with FRESH MEAT, WOMEN AND YOUNG GIRLS TO FUCK ON A REGULAR BASIS WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE 2016- 2020 AND WHILE DONALD WAS A MARRIED SO CALLED CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE MAN, WHO IN HIS SEXUAL PERVERSION DESECRATED THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE LAND.(THE WHITE HOUSE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLES HOUSE). YOU MAM SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, YOU WILL GO AS LOW AS POSSIBLE DOWN WITH THE SCUM OF THE EARTH, JUST SIMPLY TO OBTAIN POLITICAL POWER. IGNORING EVERY HUMAN DECENCY KNOWN TO MAN.

    • yet the skanky, purple haired, hog nose ring, loose females would LOVE someone to grab them by the “cooter”. So desperate, they would allow a savage (knee grow) to show up for the job. Then he will beat and kill her. IT is called “natural selection”. welfare has perpetrated the activity. Leave me and my taxes OUT of the equation. Get the socialist control freaks OUT of my life & wallet.

    • I really thought we were finished with reading your bullschiff, Elias. Grow up and accept your party’s devastating loss. Get used to losing, libturd. After our fearless leader drains the devilcrat swamp in DC, watch how fast our nation heals. Musk will cut all of the leftist fat from our government. Hopefully, this new administration will force mainstream media to report honesty. If that happens, your party is doomed. All you have is misinformation. Confuse the masses into believing their 💩. Well, soy boy, the tide has turned and people are now awake, not woke. It should be decades, before the devilcrats get a sniff of the White House again. Great job. By the way, I can’t wait to see all of the devilcrats names on the Epstein and Diddy lists. Get the popcorn.

  4. California is a shit hole created by Newsom and his demonrats policy but California must love to be a shit hole or they would not have voted for more of the same shit


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