Dummycrats have been cheating for decades but in 2020 it was so obvious even a blind man could see it. Since they were allowed to get away with it in 2020, thanks to the RINOs, they’ll continue to do it no matter how obvious it looks.
Its time for the US Supreme court to step in and tell Pennsylvania that those illegal ballots will not Count and the officials that have ignored the order of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court should be indicted prosecuted and sent to Prison.
Airborne Jan, that and rigging using Hunter’s laptop, the FB-L-eye, Zuckerberg and 51 Intel Agents that should still all be placed in a “non-corrupt court” when we have one in working order. Using official Government Letterhead make’s it a “coup d’Etat” and a possible Treason charge that could warrant the Death Penalty. They haven’t hung that many conspirators together since 1865 at Old Capitol Prison from the Lincoln Assassination. Only 1 of them was innocent, Mary Surratt.
Well finally republicans got the message…the only way they were going to win an election was to have vote counting watched..they mostly watched battleground states ..if next time they also watch so called blue states they might find out they aren’t so blue after all..no one wants communism and calling it Marxism or “progressive “ doesn’t hide it..even stupid people have a dictionary..who wants a little tin foil hat king..ruling over you and stealing all your money..welcome back America
Old news, is good tho they stopped it befor it was a real problem. Face it, it’s all the democrats had to go on to win. You sawxhow things went with out the illegal votes. It was a land slide for Trump. The people have spoken
Democrat’s have “NO” intentions of giving up the White House. as far as the “LAW” the democrat’s breaks the Law on a constant basis. They are Treasonous by not following the Constitution
Wouldn’t a shadow government be considered a treasonous act against the president and the American people who voted for him? This is their way of having a temper tantrum. Obama still thinks he’s the leader of the pack and he despises Trump. He ruined this country
O’Kenyan has been running this thing since Bribem swore in. Bribem didn’t have the Will to scuttle the country like his puppetmaster! Trie all of them and measure their necks!
If they do a shadow cabinet Trump should use the military to gather everyone of them up & put them in Gitmo. They are acting like school yard bullies. You know what you do with them…give them a good punch in the nose so they realize you mean business & they are finished. We the people will no longer tolerate there craziness but we will put a stop to it. The Constitution gives we the people the right to remove them from the government. This is not going to end until they are all removed one way or another.
Throw them in prison Democrats don’t care about Law’s they don’t care about the American people they only care about keeping control of our Taxes Dollars and spend as much as they can because they hate America.
If the Republicans do what they’re supposed to do, they can keep the RATS from winning anything for at least 12yrs if not longer! Turn every state RED!
Is this for real? They can’t do that. Anyone who goes against our government is committing treason. So, let them do their shadow government and then go get them all and put them in prison. Our country is on the verge of war within. That is where our enemies want us to be. A government that is fighting within is an easy government to take over. No one wins. Stop them and prison them. Let them be seen for what they are.
I really believe the people see what is happening and are tired of it. Government has gotten too big. It is into things they don’t need to be in. That is why we have States and State government. Cities are getting too big and out of control. We must cut government bureaucracy and get back to taking care of our own State governments. Too many people are wanting to take, take, take and not enough to carry all the takers. Look at other countries. They have NO MIDDLE CLASS OF PEOPLE. They have either ones who rule and have it all or the low people who depend on the government and have NOTHING. We can not become that! We have freedom to live, to vote to own land. We need all these people in the Democratic Party to cool down and work FOR what the people voted for… or leave office and go try to run another country. Stand up Republicans! Stand up Christians! Stand up for freedom and let us unite!
Dummycrats have been cheating for decades but in 2020 it was so obvious even a blind man could see it. Since they were allowed to get away with it in 2020, thanks to the RINOs, they’ll continue to do it no matter how obvious it looks.
Its time for the US Supreme court to step in and tell Pennsylvania that those illegal ballots will not Count and the officials that have ignored the order of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court should be indicted prosecuted and sent to Prison.
Thats how the ‘rats “won” the 2020 election, but the media will never admit it.
Airborne Jan, that and rigging using Hunter’s laptop, the FB-L-eye, Zuckerberg and 51 Intel Agents that should still all be placed in a “non-corrupt court” when we have one in working order. Using official Government Letterhead make’s it a “coup d’Etat” and a possible Treason charge that could warrant the Death Penalty. They haven’t hung that many conspirators together since 1865 at Old Capitol Prison from the Lincoln Assassination. Only 1 of them was innocent, Mary Surratt.
Well finally republicans got the message…the only way they were going to win an election was to have vote counting watched..they mostly watched battleground states ..if next time they also watch so called blue states they might find out they aren’t so blue after all..no one wants communism and calling it Marxism or “progressive “ doesn’t hide it..even stupid people have a dictionary..who wants a little tin foil hat king..ruling over you and stealing all your money..welcome back America
‘It isn’t important who they vote for, but it IS important who counts the votes’ — Joseph Stalin. Democrats have been following his advice for years.
Old news, is good tho they stopped it befor it was a real problem. Face it, it’s all the democrats had to go on to win. You sawxhow things went with out the illegal votes. It was a land slide for Trump. The people have spoken
Democrat’s have “NO” intentions of giving up the White House. as far as the “LAW” the democrat’s breaks the Law on a constant basis. They are Treasonous by not following the Constitution
If NY wants to be on their own that’s fine, take all there Federal funding, don’t support any Federal disaster’s, move the United Nation!
Remove all support the Federal Government provides to NY. and let the state go to hell before they realized they made a stupid mistake.
Agree. However, the UN needs to be kicked out of the USA. And, the USA needs to stop being the major financial fund for the UN.
Wouldn’t a shadow government be considered a treasonous act against the president and the American people who voted for him? This is their way of having a temper tantrum. Obama still thinks he’s the leader of the pack and he despises Trump. He ruined this country
O’Kenyan has been running this thing since Bribem swore in. Bribem didn’t have the Will to scuttle the country like his puppetmaster! Trie all of them and measure their necks!
If they do a shadow cabinet Trump should use the military to gather everyone of them up & put them in Gitmo. They are acting like school yard bullies. You know what you do with them…give them a good punch in the nose so they realize you mean business & they are finished. We the people will no longer tolerate there craziness but we will put a stop to it. The Constitution gives we the people the right to remove them from the government. This is not going to end until they are all removed one way or another.
Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats.
Throw them in prison Democrats don’t care about Law’s they don’t care about the American people they only care about keeping control of our Taxes Dollars and spend as much as they can because they hate America.
Agree 💯
If the Republicans do what they’re supposed to do, they can keep the RATS from winning anything for at least 12yrs if not longer! Turn every state RED!
Is this for real? They can’t do that. Anyone who goes against our government is committing treason. So, let them do their shadow government and then go get them all and put them in prison. Our country is on the verge of war within. That is where our enemies want us to be. A government that is fighting within is an easy government to take over. No one wins. Stop them and prison them. Let them be seen for what they are.
I really believe the people see what is happening and are tired of it. Government has gotten too big. It is into things they don’t need to be in. That is why we have States and State government. Cities are getting too big and out of control. We must cut government bureaucracy and get back to taking care of our own State governments. Too many people are wanting to take, take, take and not enough to carry all the takers. Look at other countries. They have NO MIDDLE CLASS OF PEOPLE. They have either ones who rule and have it all or the low people who depend on the government and have NOTHING. We can not become that! We have freedom to live, to vote to own land. We need all these people in the Democratic Party to cool down and work FOR what the people voted for… or leave office and go try to run another country. Stand up Republicans! Stand up Christians! Stand up for freedom and let us unite!