Lock them up! Frauding those that expected an honest and fair election, including 82nd Airborne veteran Dave McCormick. Honor Grad in his Ranger Class! Hooah!
round them up make a few REAL examples and hopefully the others will step into line/ DESTROY them like they have been trying to do to Trump,and are trying to bankrupt Rudy Giuliani and did to Gen Flynn.
Demoturds fraudulent ballots caused Trump to lose the 2020 election. NO sane person would ever vote for Crooked Joe O’Biden. I was glad to see
Kamaltoes Harris get a shellacking. She got what she deserved. Too bad she won’t be charged for letting all these ILLEGALS in our country. There’s a special place in hell for her and them!
There was voter fraud. Not some small number. NVRA have already proven this. Go back to the 2020 Election and look up your state. In Washington D.C. there were 67,000+ outdated names on voter rolls. Another 37,000+ that were people that voted in two states, or showed someone voted that was deceased, 73,000+ that were taken off of voter rolls, only after the NVRA challenged them, did they remove them. By law, at least every two years voter rolls need to be cleaned. Many states ignored this or took five or less off. So much for the most secure election in history. Mainstream Media and others always say that. Hateful and lie. Did Trump try and challenge the election. Yes. He did say go to the Capitol to make your voices heard. Peacefully. Each person is an adult. Responsible or irresponsible for their actions. Including those Trump and Non-Trump supporters that caused chaos at the Washington D. C. Capitol and every Capitol. But many were not charged, arrested, or even interviewed. Some wore MAGA caps, but were not MAGA supporters. Mainstream News Media lied. Will they be held for their irresponsibility?
Lock them up! Frauding those that expected an honest and fair election, including 82nd Airborne veteran Dave McCormick. Honor Grad in his Ranger Class! Hooah!
‘It isn’t important who they vote for, but it IS important who counts the votes’ — Joseph Stalin.
Theses people must be made a example of so people in the future don’t even think about breaking the Laws.
round them up make a few REAL examples and hopefully the others will step into line/ DESTROY them like they have been trying to do to Trump,and are trying to bankrupt Rudy Giuliani and did to Gen Flynn.
And to remember when these same shitasses accused the republicans of insurrection.
Demoturds fraudulent ballots caused Trump to lose the 2020 election. NO sane person would ever vote for Crooked Joe O’Biden. I was glad to see
Kamaltoes Harris get a shellacking. She got what she deserved. Too bad she won’t be charged for letting all these ILLEGALS in our country. There’s a special place in hell for her and them!
There was voter fraud. Not some small number. NVRA have already proven this. Go back to the 2020 Election and look up your state. In Washington D.C. there were 67,000+ outdated names on voter rolls. Another 37,000+ that were people that voted in two states, or showed someone voted that was deceased, 73,000+ that were taken off of voter rolls, only after the NVRA challenged them, did they remove them. By law, at least every two years voter rolls need to be cleaned. Many states ignored this or took five or less off. So much for the most secure election in history. Mainstream Media and others always say that. Hateful and lie. Did Trump try and challenge the election. Yes. He did say go to the Capitol to make your voices heard. Peacefully. Each person is an adult. Responsible or irresponsible for their actions. Including those Trump and Non-Trump supporters that caused chaos at the Washington D. C. Capitol and every Capitol. But many were not charged, arrested, or even interviewed. Some wore MAGA caps, but were not MAGA supporters. Mainstream News Media lied. Will they be held for their irresponsibility?