Democrat Senator STUNNED Into Shaking SILENCE When Epstein Ties EXPOSED Live On TV Debate Stage



I’m so sick of YouTube forcing us to watch Harris commercials

I want Warren gone. She’s a carpetbagger


  1. Aside from Liz Warren’s “claim” to being native American/Indian, very few people know much about her or how she lied about the Indian heritage to get into the law school she wanted with a scholarship and get a job in the big fancy law schools in New England giving them their DEI points. She was paid millions of dollars to write a whole bunch of articles about this and that subject, all of which articles supported the financial institutions which she now wants to pretend to regulate with her small time financial protection service which doesn’t actually ever help the ordinary American.

  2. Some of these people, if not most, live in a fantasy world. It’s kind of disgusting. Many of them, including some Hollywood Stars, say they will leave the country, if Trump wins. Like people care. Move. Then they never do. All talk. No action. Like the claims they are for Americans best interests. We are waiting. They are imbeciles. It would be nice if one of the requirements to be put in charge, take basic leadership classes. Makes no sense people making important decisions, could not pass a Leadership Class. Should require a hands on, or test hat requires good decision making. The learn as you go, isn’t working. It’s embarrassing to watch. I know some people that would not be that stupid. Basic thought process, would be to put Americans interests first, money management skills, positive attitude, Loyalty, Discipline, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage, Selfless Service, Respect. People in so call regular jobs, get it. These people are not qualified. In fact, a threat. Trump has business skills, money skills, personal courage, multi tasking skills, positive attitude, and does have the average American’s best interests. Not perfect. But out does any elite, or Democrat, or Republican.

  3. Epstein was the only friend Trump had back in those days. Google all the photos of them together with underage girls. Obviously he turned out to be a convicted sexual predator who cheated on every wife, bangs porn stars, treats women like shit, and wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies. Also google the photos of Trump with Diddy. What a POS role model for America! Women will make sure the orange turd gets flushed AGAIN!

  4. Trump is a pervert, and we need to give thanks to God that he got rid of the pretend Christian, who is a predator convicted of sexual assault, treats women like trash, commits infidelity on all his wives, steals from charities, insults everyone and doesn’t pay his debts. Trump is a sure bet for hell, the sooner the better, since he definitely is NO Christian.

  5. The Left has been chipping away at Conservative values since the 1950’s. Saul Alinsky was a Community Organizer in Chicago during the Dailey era in Chicago. They ruled with an Iron Fist. This philosophy was revived in the 1990’s by the Clintons and Obama.
    Below are Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps to Topple a Nation.
    1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
    2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
    3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
    4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to cre’ate a police state.
    5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
    6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
    7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
    8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
    Does this sound familiar?

    • BINGO you dead on correct & it disgusts me to see the continued attacks on our true President DONALD J TRUMP & all the fkers above need to suffer a slow & very long painful DEMISE!

  6. Nobody treats women worse than lying pervert Trump. He cheated on all 3 wives, bangs porn stars and pays hush money, and hung out with Epstein and Diddy with underage girls. What a disgusting POS to have representing America. Flush the orange turd again!


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