Democrat Senator JAILED, Sentenced to 11 Years in PRISON for BRIBERY | ‘Biden NEXT?!’



Now do Pelosi!

And big money, Nancy Pelosi, still walking free.


  1. Ugly old stupid drunk hag Pelosi should be jailed for 20 years in the worst women’s prison in the world. Shitpants Joe and the Clintons should be strapped into the electric chair for all the blood they have on their hands.

  2. Unfortunately, nothing like this will happen to shitpants Joe and his rotten son. They received millions of dollars from Ukraine, China, and who knows where else.

    • go look in the mirror Jan. sniffy, sloppy Joe Obiden laundered the money taken from you and me. Got rich off of it. I thought he was for the “little guy”? must be the name of his little friend, that resides in his pants.. only the low IQ are still in the demon-rat party

  3. Being a NJ resident and having cause to contact Mendez as my state representative 10 years ago I received a full page reply that had nothing to do with my query, I knew then he was not serving his constituents. Another disgraceful individual only serving his own interests and personal financial gain.

  4. I want millions of dollars too! Who do we have for help now? All the Demorats seem to be targeted by Trump: Who will be left after Trump squeezes hundreds of millions of dollars out of Biden and company’s ears.(Hillary @ Pelosi)! Biden is so stupid. He lost a fight he was in no position to loose, but how could he,” The President,” possibly loose?. Well I’d like to see crapping in pants Joe now. He attacked Baron and it’s like a Trump snowball getting ready to roll over him. Can you believe he attacked the President’s Family? What craziness is that? he should be locked up. Now He (The US) came to military aid of Taiwan, so that must mean Taiwan will supply military aid to the US. It does appear they will be occupied with about 10 or 20 million Chinese visitors, and I would not expect them for dinner anytime soon. Biden made the US the laughing stock of the world. I know Trump will make him crap in his pants “ONE LAST TIME.”

  5. Half of the demoncrat politicians should be in prison. It’s guaranteed that everything the demoncrats accuse of Trump, they are already doing. How do we punish the government of Egypt? It takes two sides.

    • how do the children that Menendez abused feel. He gets in trouble for corruption? not molesting children? Amerika is still an evil empire

  6. Just one more of the many many corrupt democrat elected people. every single democrat in Washington state, home of voter fraud central, is corrupt as hell. Being corrupt has become a standard attribute required to get democrat campaign funding.

    Look at the corruption in California. the fires disasters results are directly the result of not managing the government lands, not managing water supplies, tearing down dams for little smelt fish that do not matter, and incompetent DEI hires.

    Yet what do we hear from the democrats? Climate fire Climate Fire. no they are not climate fires that the democrat mismanagement fires.

  7. I was thrilled when Trump and Hegseth went after Gen. Mark (“Thoroughly Modern”) Milley, notwithstanding Biden’s last minute (22 minutes before Trump’s inauguration) “pardon”, by pursuing non-criminal charges based on some of his other BS behaviors (you know, stuff like consorting with the enemy). However, better than that is this conviction of Senator Menendez, a rotten, corrupt scoundrel if ever there was one (I’m surprised Biden didn’t pardon him, too, in return for some of those gold bars). Kudos. Here’s hoping Menendez rots in jail and never sees the light of day.

  8. We have become a very hateful people, always finding fault on others. We have totally dismissed the commandment love thy neighbor as you love yourself. INSTEAD of looking into one good thing he look for something terrible notwithstanding a good behavior not even one.We are totally demonized by leaders that keep on enumerating other’s fault not even giving one value that is good. We don’t know how to look ay ourselves instead we look at other’s faults. MAY the HOLY SPIRIT enlighten us and learn to be little humane and always look for the good of others as a simple Christian value.

    • The Bible says were are to hate & oppose evil, punish those that don’t obey, give NOT hardy approval to those that do such things, kill those that have murdered others. How do you expect to live a quiet & peaceable life when evil is subsidized, encouraged and not punished? Jesus hated the hypocrites of His day. They are much worse now…..

    • Doesn’t the Bible say something about a person’s sins will expose them? The dummycrat party’s sins are being exposed. I’d say the Holy Spirit is enlightening us.

  9. Call every one of the Biden Pardons before congress, and DEMAND that they testify WITHOUT THE FIFTH AMENDMENT PROTECTION. Since they are not in jeopardy by their testimony, they can be compelled to testify against EVERY APPARATCHIK THAT WAS INVOLVED IN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. Tens of thousands charged with everything from election fraud to Treason. If the Pardonees refuse to testify, they go to prison until they will. This is how Rico cases are pursued.

    • and IF they lie, when questioned now, THAT is not covered by their pardon. They can be found in contempt…. sentence them, like the average J6’ther. 4 years in solitary…..


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