DEI FBI Agent EMBARRASSED After BACK TRACKING On New Orleans New Years Terrorist Massacre!



They care more about not offending muslims than telling the truth.

Just Muslims being peaceful as usual!


  1. The government has been inundated with DEI decades before Biden. I worked at a VA hospital in a Blue state. The DON was black and her goal was to have an all black nursing staff. Whites could not move up in the system. EVER. A Hispanic chick gave a talk on P.C and we were told “Hispanics , when they say 7am, they mean 7-ish” .. So in other words, a Mexican can be 10-15 minutes late to work, but whitey needs to be there and clocked in at 7 sharp , or be docked. This bullshit of exception by race has been fulminating out there in our government sponsored, race-card, hell hole since at least the late 80’s , early 90’s and we stood by and took it and…………….. HERE WE ARE… with a few added boxes to check,,,,, gay, trans, black, criminal record…. Victimhood it the main criteria to hire anything. INcluding this DEI broad in NOLA.

    • Looks like this was just the usual Muslim New Year celebration, mowing down a few white people. That’s usually reserved for Ramavan, but they’ve adopted it to cover the New Year festivities too it seems.
      As for the black FBI lady with her ‘This is not a terrorist event’, what planet is she on? of course it’s a terrorist event, and it’s been ongoing for some time but the people have been forced into silence due to fears of being accused of Islamaphobia, racism etc.

    • SHE NEEDS TO GO NO MORE OF THIS WOKE STUFF!! NO WONDER CRIMANLS are TAKING OVER Thank you for putting this out there You need to contact JO Rogan pod castor! very honest tells it like it is this info needs to be out there its the only way to stop it!1 Thank you

  2. This Country needs a overhaul we are slowly moving to Socialism starting with DEI and other Woke agendas this administration let to many Socialist and Terrorists into the country they started this with Obama.

  3. Stupid incompetent anti white FBI being the stupid incompetent anti white FBI.

    There is no one at the FBI that shoudl not be fired and have their pension cancelled. there is no one at the FBI that shoudl be allowed to work in government ever again. There is no one at the FBI that should be allowed to purchase a weapon ever again.

    This black fbi person is exactly the problem with the FBI. She puts her politics ahead of the truth. She is willing to openly lie to down play the continuous terrorism of all minorities.


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