Hairy eats avocado toast and washes it down with warm soy milk.
This twerp is why PRESIDENT TRUMP won the election, and he/they/them doesn’t realize it.
Don King wannabe, is a flipping moron. Limp wrist Sisson should shut up and then grow up. What a motormouth. The kid loves to hear his own voice. Typical Diddycrat, can’t give a straight answer.
If you keep asking this question all you’re doing is feeding their delusions. Stop feeding them and it will go away.
The black guy is talking to a laptop screen that is below eye level.
Hairy eats avocado toast and washes it down with warm soy milk.
This twerp is why PRESIDENT TRUMP won the election, and he/they/them doesn’t realize it.
No wonder the Chicomms are acting like bully-boys with effeminate twerps like this having so many “followers” on social media.
The soy boy should’ve had his dad’s belt across his bare ass.
Don King wannabe, is a flipping moron. Limp wrist Sisson should shut up and then grow up. What a motormouth. The kid loves to hear his own voice. Typical Diddycrat, can’t give a straight answer.