Dave Chappelle TAKES DOWN Woke Culture And Hollywood Is FURIOUS



90% of us agree with Dave. Stop letting the 10% tell us what to do.

He’s too big too brave and too bold to be silenced… Love him for all those reasons, plus he’s funny



  1. I agree with Sherry. She said the senile buffoon was a joke, trying to play president. No wonder the orange turd got flushed ASAP. This time he has lost the women’s vote, the black vote, and all intelligent white dudes vote. No surprise from a failure with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses. Soon to be 22 with Trump Media and his Liberty crypto coin. He’s really counting on the MAGAt trailer park vote since they swallow all the bullshit he feeds them.

  2. It always amazes me how so many people who listen to the news and who don’t take the time to fact check what they hear are always the experts and generally have no idea what they’re talking about…to think that people honestly believe so many lies and basically come to viciously hate another person or a group of people to the point that they just spew hatred and seem to think that that the way to be. You need to be careful because most of the BS is coming from people you cant trust. Wake up! How long do the people who identify as democratic leadership get to lie, fabricate and spew hate for their own selfish purpose. They have turned the country against each other with hated and lies. If anyone in this country doesn’t see the handwriting on the wall about what could happen here, they are stupid or naive. Have any of you ever lived in a warzone? I have…do you have any idea what its like to step over graves coming out of where you live. To see little children with limbs blown off or no family left…I’ve seen it. If you people do not wake up and realize you’re being played then thats where were headed. Kamala is a liar and a hateful person..has always been. Her own party has bad mouthed her for the last two years because she’s incompetent as a vice president much less the actual president. Theyre are stuck with her now so they’ve have to put lipstick on a pig. If you think the world respected Biden or by default America in this administration, you would be wrong. Russia..with the support of Iran and/ or China is sitting in Cuba right now with ships just waiting for this election to be over and if the Democrats win…God help us. This administration has weakened this country. All I’ve heard is the degradation of Donald Trump by fellow Americans…did he do anything wrong…maybe but minor in comparison…to Kennedy, Clinton, Johnson, etc…no..his sin….He defeated Hillary…and to that party, he’s public enemy #1 and they have done everything they can to bring down an American citizen including trying to assassinate him and if you think believe they didn’t…you don’t know how things work in this county. Wake up people…you’re being misled for congressional rich lawyers benefit and you don’t even see it..They want to hold us to a standard they don’t live by and we’re paying them 170K plus a year to do it. We all need to start putting the country over politics and start researching what we’re being told.

  3. I agree. People don’t check facts. Trump was so incompetent as president that he added $8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to eliminate it. His promises were just fake lies. Mexico wall money, infrastructure funds, healthcare plan, 30 hour work week, eliminate ISIS, balanced budget, etc. All bullshit. No surprise that smart American voters flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had.


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