Conservative EXPLODES On Smug Washington Post Host Storms Off & Quits



Jon Capehart biased smug reporting will be the Washington Posts downfall….

Thank you Hugh for everything, you are right and they are wrong.


  1. Even demonrats know Harris the HO is not able to do any position in government other than on her knees to get it. Failed in CA, Failed as brder czar, failed as a human being.

  2. Gee maybe these idiots ought to read the real news
    It seems even the legal system is involved. It seems to me that there were several thousand corrupted ballots dropped off and they were determined to be corrupted.

  3. Fact Check, Snops and every other so called unbias authenticating news examining source are ALL Democratically controlled, operated and run by the leftist Pre pro Communist Marxist Democratic Party! M

  4. Here’s your facts: Trump turned out to be a horseshit president so Americans flushed the orange turd after one term too many. Who remembers how Trump promised to replace Obamacare, reduce taxes, cut public debt, have Mexico pay for the wall, clean up corruption, $1 trillion for infrastructure, protect public land, protect clean air & water, bring down drug prices, release his tax returns, etc, etc. Did any fools out there really believe him? Still, it took 4 long years before we could flush the lying corrupt traitorous wannabe dictator who expresses his admiration for Putin, Hitler and Kim Jung Un. FLUSH HIM AGAIN! Ok, since these are facts, let’s hear your childish insults?

    • At least you couldn’t deny the above facts, but how does any of that make him fit to be president? The old felon is unfit mentally and physically to run anything, especially the country. No woman with any self-respect will support a pussy grabber who cheats on every wife he’s had, wants to control women’s bodies, and treats women like shit. Understandable?

  5. At least you couldn’t deny the above facts, but how does any of that make him fit to be president? The old felon is unfit mentally and physically to run anything, especially the country. No woman with any self-respect will support a pussy grabber who cheats on every wife he’s had, wants to control women’s bodies, and treats women like shit. Understandable?

  6. Kamala Harris has “leaped” into the lead in a red state the Democrats had all but written off, analysis showed Saturday. The widely respected Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll now shows Harris leading her opponent Donald Trump 47% to 44%.
    The state is usually so red it’s not even considered a battleground. Trump’s senile ranting is really hurting his chances. He just needs to STFU instead of proving his dementia.


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