CNN Cries and Needs THERAPY after this RFK Jr. Appointment Yesterday!



CNN should lose their broadcasting license permanently.



  1. RFK should go ahead and serve the dummycrats food full of the poisonous crap he’s trying to eliminate from our food supply. Less dummycrats means a better American to live in.

    • So true! There is just something wrong in the liberal hive mind. They are all nuts; every last one of them! But, they don’t know it. They really think that they are smart and that is what makes them so dangerous.

      • Read Michael Savages book that he wrote in 2008 titled “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” regarding the Democratic Socialist pre pro Communist Party and you, they, everyone will understand the anti God warped mentality that has infected the Democratic Party

    • Ironic and interesting that we now see the government’s harassment as evidence that they are lying and harming the People. The Government is the Enemy. Balance the Budget. The Feds should be spending no more than is received from taxes and fees. No more debt. In my entire life, I have never received any benefits from the government’s overspending. It has created a country of bribery and corruption.

  2. I haven’t trusted the CDC since the COVID pandemic. Before then, I guess I was just ignorant of what went on behind the scenes. The CDC has been evil long before COVID, maybe even since its inception. I imagine many Americans just accepted them blindly.

  3. CNN cannot be salvaged. In the news business when the trust is gone…and in their case long gone…you’re as good as dead. We are going on 2+ decades of lying to the public. Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube; any trust I might’ve had in them is irretrievable.

  4. The CDC, Fauci, the Deep State, the bias mainstream leftist media and the Democratic Globalist pre pro Communist/Marxist party are the real enemy, the “Enemy from Within”! It was the vast majority of Americans that proved this to be true “overwhelmingly for Trump” in the 2024 Presidential Election! The “Providential Hand of God”
    (with the voters) made this possible!8

  5. “CNN’s Brian Stelter recently said, “We don’t see CNN or the New York Times rooting for any president, whether a Democrat or Republican.”…..In October 2016, the head of the DNC and former CNN contributor Donna Brazile was caught giving Hillary Clinton debate questions she received from the network.”

    “CNN said Monday that three journalists, including the executive editor in charge of a new investigative unit, have resigned after the publication of a Russia-related article that was retracted,” reported CNN’s Brian Stelter. “Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN.

    “CNN reported that a March 22nd. London attack a “firearms “incident”, even though the attacker used his vehicle and a knife to carry out the dastardly actions.”

    “Kathy Griffin, host of CNN New Year’s Eve special lost her contract after she published a photograph in which she appeared to be holding a likeness of the President’s severed head.”

    “CNN severed ties with host Reza Aslan after he tweeted a series of vulgar posts about Mr. Trump. And another story that inaccurately predicted the congressional testimony of James B. Comey was retracted.”

    “Semi-automatic weapons-CNN apologized for a May 15, 2003, story in which CNN’s John Zarella and Broward County, Florida Sheriff Ken Jenne demonstrated the rapid firing of fully automatic firearms while covering the federal Assault Weapons Ban, due to expire the following year. The Assault Weapons Ban was concerned solely with semi-automatic firearms, not fully automatic ones, which had already been restricted by the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the subsequent 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act.[10][11]”

    “On April 3, 2016, hundreds of supporters of Bernie Sanders protested outside of CNN Los Angeles. Sanders supporters were protesting CNN’s coverage of the 2016 United States presidential elections, specifically in regards to the lack of airtime Sanders has received. Known as Occupy CNN, protesters claimed that major media networks have intentionally blacked out Sanders’ presidential campaign in favor of giving much more airtime to candidates such as Hillary Clinton.[12]”

    “Brian Stelter was fired in August after he admitted to sobbing in his bed during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic”

    CNN analyst Areva Martin accused Sirius XM and Fox Nation host David Webb of benefiting from “white privilege,” but she failed to realize that he’s black.”

    “Another example of direct support for Hillary Clinton from the globalist media network can be seen in a clip where CNN anchor Chris Cuomo says, “we couldn’t help her any more than we have.”

    “CNN once put a glowing gold filter over a video of Hillary Clinton to portray her as a glowing angel of light.” “The network claimed Hillary Clinton won a presidential debate, but they were called out for using a weighted survey that sampled 41 percent Democrats compared to 26 percent Republicans.”

    “CNN blatantly cut off a reporter who dared to point out how hypocritical it is for Hillary Clinton to pretend to care about the black community after her and her husband helped shape the laws that put so many minorities in prison.”

    “Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who is notable for masturbating in front of New Yorker and WNYC staff members at a Zoom meeting in October 2020, left the network a week before Stelter did.”

  6. We read many hypercritical posts that sometimes it goes beyond the norms of decency. PRAYING THAT those who love to post ugly terminologies and labels of many will somehow be enlightened by the HOLY SPIRIT cleanse their evil ideas about other people without factual evidence as they are not in a close distance with the people they criticize.

  7. Leslie, I agree. The CDC is evil. Most folks trusted them implicitly, until the Covid hysteria. Guess what, we were being lied to. The CDC sought to silence any opposing views. Doctors would be fired for prescribing Ivermectin, which could cure Covid. We were supposed to shut up and take the death jabs. I didn’t take the death jabs and I remained Covid-free.

  8. All good and true comments. I did take the vaccine. Whether it helped or not?? I still wear a mask in crowded places. Mainly because I have non smoker related Asthma. But also because there are other viruses, smelly people, smoke, pollution, people not covering their coughs. It also controls my breathing. I use a sport mask various times during a workout. My choice. The WHO in particular are not trustworthy. Covered for China. The director is not trustworthy. Invermectin and Hydroxechloriquin were already proven to help in the past. Deemed misinformation. The Covid Vaccine was only tested short term on 25 people. Is that reliable? Big PHARMA needed more money. Like the Globalists and the WEF. The WHO wants to control all countries health decisions for vaccinations. Biden and others supported that. Ouch! Some good books to read; (Hot Talk, Cold Science, The Permanent Coup, Plan Red(China’s Project to Destroy America), Brutal Minds, (The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities), Arabella(The Dark Money Network of Leftists Billionaires Secretly Transforming America), Terrorists at the Border and in Our Country. Also, NewsMax Magazine for the month of November 2024 has a lot of good factual articles. Newsmax monthly fills in more. The First News(particularly Jesse Kelly and Bill O’Reilly) are awesome. IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters cover election problems such as voting counts like 67,000+ unregistered voters, another 37,000+ were promised to be taken off of voter rolls, and another 73,000+ voted in two states or dead people being counted. Not me. This is by the NVRA. This was only Washington D.C. This was just after the 2020 Election. It is required by law to clean voter rolls at least every two years. Most states reported less than 5 or ignored the cleaning of voter rolls. Yet, again, the election was said to be the most secure. Who pushed that? Mainstream Media and the Democrats. Did Republicans, Independents, believe that? Just a thought.


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