CNN Suggest Holding ‘White Folks’ Accountable for Not Voting Democrat



I’m a biracial man for Trump and my wife is a Latina for Trump. Our communities are tired of this liberal bullshit and the dems using us for votes.

CNN needs to go out of business


  1. Warren Buffett declines to pick a side in 2024 presidential election — and calls out ‘fraudulent claims’ on social media. Just like many other Republicans, they cannot bring themselves to support the senile orange turd.

    • Another moron to deal with here. If you don’t like Trump, go stick your head in the sand for the next four years. It won’t be as smelly, as where it is now.

  2. ?ARE VOTERS ARE LISTENING? .For retired Marine general John Kelly to have spoken out against Trump before the 2024 election is a huge deal. It’s one thing for some leftist group to call you a fascist. Quite another when it’s a fellow Republican. And absolutely astonishing when it’s your own chief of staff. But Kelly was not alone. Former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told veteran journalist Bob Woodward that Trump is “fascist to the core.” FLUSH THE CORRUPT ORANGE TURD AGAIN.

    • All of these jokers, should be brought up on charges. Treason comes to mind. Especially, Milley. Go spread your cow manure somewhere else. You’re probably a they/them.

  3. I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion.
    I have facts that influence my vote..every time I pull up to the gas pump I think of Obama, Biden, and Comrade Harris..when I check my bank account to see if I can afford to eat this week..I think of Obama, Biden, and comrade Harris..back when I had to drive 600 miles a week just to have a good job so I could retire …all those miles I thought about the 8 years of horror under the rule of Obama, Biden..and no tractor trailers on the highway it was like the whole country gone to hell.with people out of work every we have a government ignoring the constitution by not protecting the borders or the American people..I remember when Trump took office it was like the America I remember was I will vote for the man who already turned this country around once and didn’t even collect a paycheck for it..I will never vote for the kind of crap these Marxist or communist push ..and never turn over your guns..hide them..because if these communists get will need them..

    • Mountain Boy: You aren’t that stupid, I hope? You really believe that Trump or Biden tell companies what they can charge for their products? Say it isn’t true! Have you ever read anything about Economics?

    • Yes, so many brainwashed MAGAts suffering from TDS: Trump Devotion Syndrome. They swallow all the bullshit that the clueless orange turd feeds them. That’s pathetic.

  4. The problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost him millions of votes.

  5. If you believe everything that the democrats say then you’re in trouble. Everything that they do or say is for votes. Things will change big time.


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