CNN Race Baiter Gets DESTROYED By Republican For Lying About Trump



She could leave America when Trump wins.

I’m gay and I’m voting for Trump. Take that Aisha.


  1. I am Sick of hearing the LIES coming out of the mouths of Kamala Harris and her MAIN STREAM MEDIA TROOPERS. 1. Trump using military to go after opposition. Gee I heard Trump say he would use the military to help restore peace in the streets if riots broke out like 2020 . I further heard Trump State that he is not associated with Project 2025. He fully supports IVF, he has flat out stated he would not support a NATIONAL abortion. So many lies from the left along with inflammatory methodical causing nuts to act out. The left try to under mine the COUNTRY.

    • Has there EVER been a bigger liar than Trump? Look it up. Over 30,000 lies in his first term, and now statements that only a senile grandpa could make.

      • Hey Heather. I searched and searched and searched. Couldn’t find one (1)
        But found a SHITLOAD from KAMALTOE and BIDUMB !!!


      • Yeah I have that would be Biden he has lied about his whole career he has lied about how his wife died ,he said she died from a drunk driver which was proven to be false worst yet he done it for political gain cause that’s when “mothers against drunk drivers “first came out he has lied about how his son died he said that he died in a war he didn’t he died in a hospital here in America from brain cancer he said that he marched for segregation he lied about that as well he was friends with Robert Bryd the head of the KKK even gave his eulogy we can go on and on about who lies the most Biden hasn’t told the truth since he came out of the womb the democrat’s haven’t told the truth since the Clinton’s administration “I didn’t have sexual relations with that girl “meanwhile his semen was on her dress all the democrats do is lie,there the one’s that have problems with the truth

  2. It shows you that demonrats want Americans raped murdered and enslaved by illegal criminals immigrants that they have no problems with that and that should give you pause and the demonrats are paying them 10grand a piece to do that be careful what you vote for America

    • CNN and all the other liberals in the country support and pretty encouage violent criminals and ignore the victim and sometimes blame the victim. They are the evil ones and God help us all if President Trump does not win this earth shattering election.

    • WOW!! Four leftist, DEI boxes checked…..Lez, female, black and ignorant!

      “The City of Durham announced a settlement agreement Monday with the U.S. Department of Justice.

      Since 2015, the DFD has used a standardized written exam called the Comprehensive Examination Battery, created by Fire and Police Solutions, Inc. The DOJ alleged that the use of the CEB — which it deemed not “consistent with business necessity” — caused a disproportionate number of Black applicants to fail and not advance in the hiring process, thus violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

      The agreement includes replacing the CEB with a new test that “meets Title VII standards” ergo, Dumbing down the testing.”

      I wonder if she can add and subtract?

  3. I GUESS we are also freaks and weirdos making inflammatory remarks and yet we are not candidates or known personally by these candidates.We need to pray more for decency.

    • Decency is impossible with a lying corrupt traitorous POS convicted sexual predator leading the GOP. What an embarrassment to America Trump turned out to be!

  4. shes a liar !!He said he wants to get rid of those who break the law.. Is that okay with Liberals ?? As far as LGBTQ how do you explain the fact that he hosted a Gay wedding at Mira Lago.. Look ity up.. The people who want to slander him are desperate to make something stick so they claim to be repeating the facts.. Laughable and pathetic all together.. They’ll say anything to secure their own paychecks

  5. Lying Donnie was hopeless as president. What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind. Time to flush the orange turd

  6. Who actually buys into the gross actions and words of Trump? The demented fool proves daily that he is mentally and physically unfit to hold any political position. He refuses to release his medical and college records because they show the truth. Even Vance once said Trump was “America’s Hitler.” He expresses his admiration for Putin, and has never said one bad word about his idol. No wonder so many of Trump’s cabinet appointees and fellow Republicans are now supporting Harris. They know Trump better than anyone, and know he is the worst choice.

    • And you are no Rev. Probably just another DUMBASS on this conversation. Much like Walt ,Shannon and Isabel. Or is it Jezebel ?

      Oh and dont forget about Save our party. Because SHIT comes out its mouth. And I can smell it from here.

  7. What a horrible woman. Trump supports Jews more than Harris. We are talking about rapist and murderers. They are animals and should be exterminated.

  8. I completely agree with Earnest T Bass no normal Rev would be promoting hate like he does and to have the nerve to say Trump wasn’t mentally or physically fit to serve Biden was just forced out of running because the whole world just saw how mentally and physically incompetent he is and the lying troll is still sitting as president and he can’t even put a sentence together,how embarrassing to be part of a demonic cult like the democrat party has become

    • Also Harris is the one that is incompetent she can’t even put a sentence together no one with an I.Q can understand this babbling moron is saying all she does is keep repeating herself over and over again and clearly hates America what a disgrace


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