CNN MELTS DOWN As Democrats PANIC Over Elon Musk Holding SOLO Townhall For Trump In Key Swing State!



Musk just literally saved 4 Astronauts lives because Boeing is incompetent and NASA couldn’t get it done. Musk is a Hero and we are lucky to have him as an AMERICAN

31YO BLK WOMAN Casted my FIRST vote for TRUMP TODAY in Georgia! I feel soooooooo SATISFIED and PROUD lol


  1. Amerika needs “real” men to be leaders, instead of the leaches we have today. We are short on backbones that work and gonads that drive the testosterone what we once had…. restore the republic of We the People that Lincoln destroyed. state sovergnty and states rights must be enacted, again

  2. OH, we are still listening to the “experts”? Why hasn’t the main “expert” (Fauci) been arrested for murder yet? These socialist control freaks have said Elon is stupid? need to ask them “what is your IQ, net worth?” totally mindless waifs

  3. Finally a man other then TRUMP with some common sense I wish I republican congress would think this way instead of selling thier balls to demonrats that is really controlling congress

  4. Even if Harris isn’t much, we need to dump dementia Trump again. He was the worst president in history. Fortunately Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Now he wants to add tariffs to foreign imports, which would greatly increase inflation. Plus he wants to give more tax breaks to the rich again, without a clue how to replace the lost revenue, again. Last time he cost us $8 TRILLION dollars of added debt thanks to being clueless about economics. The senile fool is too incompetent, too tired, and too old to do the job. That’s obvious to anyone who looks and listens to the demented buffoon.

  5. CNN LIES ABOUT EVERYTHING. We need to fact check the fact checkers. These lying bastards must be removed from our televisions. You’ll never see that cow manure on my TV.


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