CNN Host CHANGES Topics After Bill Maher SLAMS Democrats and Media



Why was Biden allowed to finish out his term under the circumstances

Why are we even talking about this? It’s over, instead lets talk about how democrat women senators acted today.


    • exactly. Further the speed with which he shifted to another subject tells you he knows he was spewing a line of BS.

      We need a law that forces these liars off the air.

      Maddow is likely the queen of lies and should have gone to prison for conspiracy to influence an election and defraud the america people years ago. though Joy Reid and whoopi goldberg are right up there with her.

  1. It’s not about age, it’s his incompetence. Why is a president who can’t stand trial because of his sanility, able to pardon ANYONE? Total bullschiff. He should have been removed from office after the Hur report. Maher is a tool.

  2. The fact is Democrats are permanently disabled in their stupidity. They all know they vote for be cool, to be part of the in crowd, to be viewed as “liberal” while not being liberal. They can not stop themselves from voting for democrats.

    the Democrats know they are voting for stupid things. they know their being taxed and regulated to death. They know that DEI and Diversity offices are BS. They know tearing down dams is stupid. they know not building dams is stupid. They know the windfarms and solar farms will never create enough power and they those products will be worn out before they break even. The Democrats know their schools suck and the teachers union is to blame. They know the democrats they election are all crooks and are pocketing tax dollars while giving contracts to their buddies.

    Democrats, and leftists in general, do not care about any of the facts. it is just more important to pretend they are good people by voting for what they want you to believe is “liberal” and therefore good.

    This is why providing no federal support to California’s fire disaster is a good thing. let the Democrats pay for their voting behavior.


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