CNN Host Blames Trump Over CA Wildfires During EPIC Live TV Meltdown



CNN blaming President Trump for the California wildfires is like blaming him for the open borders

These women are insane.


  1. It was just a matter of time when this crap would start. If it wasn’t going to be CNN, then MSNBC would’ve started this BS. I’m surprised it took this long.

  2. You ignorant jerks. They have taxes that are taken out for early slash and burn. It`s to thin out the underbrush so there won`t be runaway fires. Riverside, California has their problem with their foothills as well. They took the money and spent it on something else. Trump had nothing to do with the foothills of California. It was only a matter of time.

  3. What lesson is this bimbo talking about? These liberal dingbats are the ones not learning anything. Here we go again with throwing the blame on President Trump as usual. He didn’t start the fires in California and he wasn’t responsible for the reservoirs being dried up, but let’s see who is responsible?? Ahh could it be the governor? Oh yes slick back gel hair and big teeth Newscum! He’s blaming everyone but not taking responsibility as he should. Everytime a freakin liberal has an opportunity to do something to help they f it up. They think of only themselves and the hell with people who need help. The mayor is the same way, both Newscum and Bass should be fired and replaced with someone who is competent to do the jobs.

    • they all came from a pubic skul cistern. brainwashed like all good socialist, control freaks. Our gov’t. became “self serve” in 1865, when the republic was destroyed by Abe Lincoln. 660 000 citizens, dead

  4. Not a single fact connects Donald Trump to the mess in Los Angeles. These two women are shameful. Too stupid and arrogant to be allowed to enter a library, yet the TV broadcasts this utter nonsense. Stop watching any of these shows. Put these twits out of business. Boycott.

  5. I have no words for the ignorant rants of these low life CNN assholes! Yet we closed the asylums what a joke and you brainwashed I mean braindead followers wake the FFFF up!!!


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