CNN: aka “Communist News Network “.
Qualification: degree in political propaganda, with minor in activist for the overthrow of the United States. Subminor in remedial temper tantrums.
Must be willing to sell your soul to Satan and lead others into perdition. Drinking and drugs on the job encouraged. Pediophilia a must
Gee, I wonder why CNN’s ratings are so bad that they might not last to the end of this year?
CNN is sh*t, absolute sh*t. No ratings and zero remaining reputation.
CNN: aka “Communist News Network “.
Qualification: degree in political propaganda, with minor in activist for the overthrow of the United States. Subminor in remedial temper tantrums.
Must be willing to sell your soul to Satan and lead others into perdition. Drinking and drugs on the job encouraged. Pediophilia a must
So it he lying or is he just a gullible ignoramus ???
Whichever, he’s patently offensive.