CNN Destroys Kamala Harris Campaign 7 TIMES During Town Hall



She’s couldn’t parent anyone or anything!

She sure has mad many mistakes like forgetting to enact the 25th .


    • Throw in Hillary for good measure. Hillary has never realized that women hated her. Foolish for Kamala to walk in her footsteps.

  1. The election is too close to call. It should have been an easy win for the GOP if only Trump wasn’t such a senile corrupt old pervert. Remember last election? Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. Yet the Republicans run this same POS loser again.

    • my goodness you haven’t learned anything. What are you listening
      to how do you think Biden won can you answer that well try

      this “poor loser” is a gigantic winner wish you had one like him???????????

    • Senile? Lmao do u know what that even means? Corrupt? Like how kamala and biden have funneled billions to other countries so theu can get a kick back? NOT TO MENTION biden was said be to incapable.of being help accountable for the crimes he had committed so they didn’t bother and pervert? Lol over 25 years ago or more he said something in a locker room like every other straight male would do and it’s help against him for life. Biden sleeps with his daughter and showered with her and touches kids and sniffs them but that’s ok right? The hell is wrong with u. Kamala single handedly out more blacks in prison for lengthy terms for mi or pot charges but u trust her? She literally uses fake accents at every rally says the same.exact thing at every rally and has let millions cross our border gave them phones and a court date 10 years away then shipped them to our cities where they have taken over. She gives them food money housing medical and cash. But us people that lost our entire homes and stuff in the hurricane and floods we can’t even get the 750 they promolised us. But Trumps that bad guy? Your an idiot.

  2. she has always been dumb,
    joe picked her 3rd pick for vp, and she is more clueless then he,
    and obama wants her in to do his 4th term destroying the country,
    this country has never been so DIVIDED as under the democrats,
    and this is what democrats want and do to get control over you,
    divide and conquer

  3. The problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost him millions of votes.


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