Throw the illegal bags of garbage out and have the military bring M2 (.50 caliber) machineguns, plant bouncing bettys and claymores 20 yards on each side of the border fence along with razor sharp concertina wire. Have some soldiers armed with flamethrowers, others with 12-gauge shotguns, M203s, M60 7.62 machineguns, M72 LAWs, and the rest with their weapons set on FULL AUTO! Give them orders to shoot anything that moves. Wouldn’t hurt to have a few tanks around and some helicopter gunships and have Spooky circling the sky around. The border should be designated a kill zone.
Throw the illegal bags of garbage out and have the military bring M2 (.50 caliber) machineguns, plant bouncing bettys and claymores 20 yards on each side of the border fence along with razor sharp concertina wire. Have some soldiers armed with flamethrowers, others with 12-gauge shotguns, M203s, M60 7.62 machineguns, M72 LAWs, and the rest with their weapons set on FULL AUTO! Give them orders to shoot anything that moves. Wouldn’t hurt to have a few tanks around and some helicopter gunships and have Spooky circling the sky around. The border should be designated a kill zone.